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Everything posted by gecko

  1. What’s next? Is someone like Kevin Durant going to test +...?
  2. Latest breakdown of the 85 US deaths... https://sharylattkisson.com/2020/03/new-the-first-59-u-s-coronavirus-deaths-by-state-and-age/
  3. For Austinites...a list of take out up and running.... https://www.takeouttracker.com/
  4. Did somebody say something up thread about olds being irresponsible? Checkmate...
  5. Given the number of posts to this thread coupled with all the calls for social distancing....we're all probably going to make it through this just fine.
  6. Not sure if posted... 40 of 61 US deaths in Washington, 27 at the Life Care Center. A good breakdown here: https://sharylattkisson.com/2020/03/new-the-first-59-u-s-coronavirus-deaths-by-state-and-age/
  7. Once the TO runs out
  8. This thread is moving fast. Not sure this has been posted. Long read but worth the effort
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