Random observations from a frequent flyer....
People are not sneezing and coughing all over fellow passengers (people are f**king inconsiderate idiots). You just don't hear the random nasal launch or coughing fit on planes. Are sick people doing the right thing and not flying or are the suppressing symptoms in order to not call attention to themselves?
United has suspended distributing the over heated hot towels in business class.
Over last 3 weeks planes are not full and terminals (other than IAH) seem to be a lot less populated. LGA's lack of travelers is pretty amazing. It could be seasonal but United is flying regional jets between IAH and LGA of late.
In related news....
Wife and I have a cruise booked (our first) for September. Its basically Amsterdam to Boston via Norway, Iceland and Greenland. Go or no go date is in June. We're still in but wavering. We'll wait and see.....