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Certifiably Surly
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About SuckitKevin

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  1. Bond had a huge drop last night. After that I don’t remember seeing him again.
  2. I’m intrigued with the sweet spicy combo of using pineapple, if anyone has tried this please share.
  3. Watch the block on that play against Guilbeau, is there such a thing as an offensive targeting call? It’s pretty ugly.
  4. Sark said in the presser it wasn’t a blitz, just simulated pressure. He said they only sent 4. That simulated pressure probably still caused guys to be out of position so the point still stands I guess.
  5. It was a high risk/reward play. Everything had to be blocked perfectly. IMO, it’s not the right call from the 1 on 2nd down.
  6. Moore will play more outside linebacker in the NFL. I think another year proving he has lb skills would be beneficial.
  7. I love Jake Majors for his love of this university and incremental improvement each year, but he still lacks the strength necessary to have an elite running game. Hayden Conner is a pass protector but below average run blocker. You’re not gonna be effective running inside with those two next to each other. Texas has to decide if Conner’s pass pro is worth what he gives up in the run game next year. I’m bullish on Daniel Cruz, but he’s gonna be learning, we’ll see. I’m proud of this team and if Sark doesn’t call one of the most head scratching plays I’ve seen this year we might have won. Let’s get better. Hook’em🤘🏻
  8. A big running back won’t solve the goal line issues if the O line allows penetration. For all the talk of our awesome offensive line, they haven’t been dominant this year. We have to be able to move people when we’re at the 1.
  9. I’m not taking shots at language arts, I’m taking shots at your stupidity. I hope Walmart lets you take vacation for the next game.
  10. That fine OSU education is showing. I bet you were an English major.
  11. Disagree, we had them and tossed the ball 7 yards behind the los at the 1.
  12. It’s just so hard to take when you lose because you’re stupid !
  13. I’m not a Quinn apologist but you guys blaming the game on him are off, Sark choked .
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