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Whitewater Horn

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Everything posted by Whitewater Horn

  1. Thanks, AI art. I clocked that the location is Nice, but the random insert of the Eiffel Tower makes sure you get the point.
  2. And Remco still celebrated at the finish line like he fought for the win. Lol. Great win for Jorgenson.
  3. Welp, no wheel-sucking stage victory for Vlasov today.
  4. And from what we’ve seen today, it looks doubtful that Remco can drop Jorgensen for any significant time gap.
  5. With 20k to go, this is looking like a great call! McNutty blew up, and who figured Vlasov would be a bigger factor for Bora than Roglic? Interesting to see how this finishes. It’s known that Remco has no love for TVL, so let’s see how hard he tries to attack Jorgensen for the win.
  6. I wonder if I would have turned into one of those narrow minded dipshits if I didn’t grow up playing soccer and racing BMX (and later MTB) along with the other American team sports. I’ve lost count of the number of mind numbing conversations I’ve had about following cycling racing, with much of the opposition to it having to do with the apparel. “You actually want to watch a bunch of Euros with shaved legs in skin tight “spandex” ride their stupid bicycles? I didn’t realize you were gay.” Whatever. I have of sports to keep me entertained pretty much year round. It would be entertaining to see a rowdy bar full of fat, belligerent redneck cycling fans watching races and taking their shit about team and rider rivalries like they do with NASCAR and college football.
  7. That was great racing. Matteo positioned himself well despite just not having a kick today. McNutty hanging on by a thread. Meanwhile in Tirreno, Jonas continued to do Jonas things and casually destroyed Ayusa and Hindley to fly away for another solo to the finish. And those guys are great climbers and bike racers. He just decided to go.
  8. Just finished watching the Stage 5 replay. That little dude is just ridiculous.
  9. When I was a little kid, my parents granted me access to their record collection and the phonograph on the condition that I didn’t scratch any of the records or fuck up the needle. Sitting on the floor listening to records with big ass 70’s headphones on, for literally hours at a time, is where my obsession with music was truly born. I discovered this album in 1973, and has remained in regular rotation to this day. The production and songs are just immaculate. Both timeless and a time machine simultaneously. As others have already submitted, Pink Floyd has to be considered near the top of the mountain in concept albums. To create three concept albums with the quality and lasting relevance of Wish You Were Here, Animals, and The Wall, is an incredible artistic achievement.
  10. Kinda like the crazy start of the Vuelta last year. Crazy how much weather and start time can affect TTs.
  11. He certainly got off to a great start with Olav getting the stage win and team VLAB looking strong. It’s gonna be fun to watch him mix it up with Roglic and Remco.
  12. It would be cool to see, but an overall win may be tough considering this field. His 2024 results have been okay. We’ll get a better look at his form soon. I think top 5 would be a good result for Matteo.
  13. No kidding. It’s been a minute since there’s been someone who’s a legit threat to win any road race he enters, whether it’s a one day race or stage race. There cherry on top is that he’s not a robot with a dishrag personality. He’s funny, doesn’t take his own image too seriously, and his love to race his bike and give his all is totally genuine and undeniable. We don’t get many of his ilk.
  14. Tadej doing Tadej things. What a dude.
  15. This is true, and I’ve lived it myself. There’s something that comes over you once the yoke of a toxic relationship has been thrown off and you’re flooded with an intense sense of freedom and possibilities. It can take a minute to get your needle back to true north. I don’t care about the veneers, the fashion choices, the Twitter scuffles, or any douchebaggery to come. Just write good songs and do right as as father for that special little girl.
  16. Don’t forget explaining the significance of the mystical one-eyed polar bear. This is so bad. I’ll watch to the end out of fascinated curiosity to see just how shitty, lazy, or contrived the finale will be.
  17. A great guitar player, but only a “capable”lyricist? That’s like saying Earl Campbell was a great teammate and a capable running back.
  18. Between the other tells like the writing and the overly enthusiastic singing of the anthem, they likely had him pegged as an infiltrator. That’s why they specially asked him for a light. The final nail in the coffin. I like that they present the clues, but don’t beat you over the with it. It’s nice to have to pay attention.
  19. And the lighter was the final verification right before they executed him. Americans used Zippo lighters, not the German or Austrian type “Bob” was carrying.
  20. Since it is reported that Jason was the one who filed for divorce, you would naturally expect that he found something untenable in her behavior, fidelity, support/emotional ability, etc. And yeah, after the HBO doc and hints in lyrics on both of their records, it’s not a complete shock. Hope the dude stays sober & healthy.
  21. I’ve never been someone to actually give a shit about the relationships and marriages of entertainers and other celebrities, but this news hurts my heart. I love both of them as artists, and Amanda was a vital support in Jason’s sobriety and recovery. There seemed to be something really pure, and I’m sure there was. One of the things that sucks about relationships is that they all have expiration dates. We just don’t get to know that date or type of expiration. I’ve said the serious part, so here’s the Surly part: It was probably because of the new choppers.
  22. I was never into his schtick or his music, but fuck cancer.
  23. Very disgusting and disappointing. I love San Marcos and have some close friends who are SWT/TxSt alums, so I was pretty excited to follow the Bobcats this past season and see them do well. I was hoping to stay on their bandwagon, but goddamn Kinne, that’s a bad choice and very bad look.
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