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Whitewater Horn

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Everything posted by Whitewater Horn

  1. I wonder what would have happened were the situation reversed and it was Biden supporters terrorizing and endangering a Trump bus on a busy interstate. I’m guessing it wouldn’t have been laughed off like this with a refusal to provide support. I have a feeling the request for support would have been accepted with fervent zeal and carried out with extreme prejudice. Just another clear example that we have a significant number of people in law enforcement who will only do their duty if it aligns with their own personal politics. I’ve never been in law enforcement, but I’ve been active duty military. You have to suck it up and do your duty regardless of whether or not you like or agree with the politics or the assignment. Refusing to meet your obligations for personal reasons is straight up dereliction of duty.
  2. That just be the only boat named after a smaller “city” than the Greeneville.
  3. Same here. I did tours on three SSNs and the only time we ever used active (other than fathometer) was on the last boat, a new construction during sea trials. That boat was was the infamous USS Greeneville SSN-772, the sub involved in incident with the Japanese fisheries boat off Oahu. I was on the commissioning crew and made the transit to Pearl, but was long gone by the time of that accident.
  4. This is nowhere near rock bottom. Yesterday sucked, and Texas played some really bad football in the second half, but they never outright quit. We saw what quit looks like at the Rout 66 game and a couple of times at the Cotton Bowl under Mack. I’m gonna give Sark and his staff a chance to recruit and develop before I start calling for change. Yes, that was a shameful collapse after such a momentous start, but I hope the players and coaches can shake it off, get back to work, and keep trying to get better.
  5. Damn, he was one of greatest to ever do it and an absolute original. Truly one of a kind. RIP Norm
  6. Shit, there was a series in the first quarter where the play broke down and Card looked completely clueless- struggling to go though his progressions and no innate or instinctual mobility to react quickly enough to scramble for the first down. I sensed right then he was over his head. Card may have better accuracy or consistency in practices, but Casey at least has some instincts to make plays when the pocket collapses, which looks like it will happen often this year.
  7. Jesus, we are Nebraska level has beens, just with better educations and lives.
  8. 31 yards of total offense from both teams combined with 6 minutes left in the 1st quarter. What a barn burner.
  9. Haven’t seen that forum in a couple of days
  10. That’s more like it! Roglic almost caught Cort. That was a cool little climb and those guys were flying.
  11. Not looking for a show about soccer. Just curious if the show evolves past the tired trope of the stereotype of the uncultured American who makes little or no attempt to learn or respect the local culture. That has already been portrayed in film and television so many times. I’m just looking for something new with some heart and substance.
  12. I’m late to this show and trying to make a go of it. I haven’t read the thread (to avoid spoilers) and only have a vague idea of what it’s about - An American CFB coach is with no experience in soccer is tasked with managing an English FC. I’m about 10-15 mins in on then pilot episode, and it seems horrible, like an over the top farce with the ridiculous premise of your typical American who has never traveled or lived abroad, ignorant of English culture and sport, making all of the predictable faux pas and requiring a shitload of suspension of disbelief. I lived and worked in the UK for five years back in my twenties. I also grew up playing soccer in north Texas in the 70s & 80s, and have always been a big fan of international football, as well as CFB/NFL. I’m no commie, after all. Can someone tell me to stick with the show and that it gets better, or will it be too silly and insulting to the country and the sport? I’m cool with stupid humor, but I’ve had enough of the whole shitting on soccer and other countries shtick. I’ve seen that this show has been nominated or maybe even won some awards, so I’m curious. I hope the consensus is that bits well done and gets more realistic or believable.
  13. Agreed, good for him. I was at the Red Rocks show on Sunday and that is the most people I’ve ever seen at show that was exclusively for Jason Isbell. It was great to be back at a significant live music show and to be outdoors, but it was so packed that it felt a bit iffy, especially with cases surging from the Delta variant. Many will surely disagree, but I’m glad Jason has taken a position of “better safe than sorry” and is defending it. All that said, what a fucking show. It was kind of bummer to see such a diminished version of Lucinda Williams, though.
  14. “I wasn’t born in the spotlight. Nah, I hadda grind ta shine…” There’s always at least one set of incessantly repetitive ads during the Tour that become annoying ear worms, and that’s the winner for me this year. And fuck them for bringing back the Hulu ad or whatever it is that has Aidy Bryant saying “I’m shaking it up, I’m my own boss now!”
  15. That was inevitable. This will be fun.
  16. Flawless half volley. Wow
  17. Damn, Kuss was likely going to need more than 30 seconds to hold the lead til the finish. Hope he gets it, but Valverde has the experience on his side.
  18. Knew an attack had to be coming with him in the breakaway. Go Sepp!
  19. I was really happy for Cav when he won on Stage 4. I figured it was a great way to cap his career and finish with a stage win in what I assumed is likely his last Tour. Then he won at Chareauroux for the 3rd time in his career and second stage win of the race, so that seemed like a really magical way to wrap it up and go out like the legend he is. Now we have a situation. In what is all but certain to be a real laugher of a runaway victory for yellow by Pogacar, we have a chance to witness significant history. One win away from equaling, and two wins away from passing Eddy’s TDF all time stage wins record. Eddy Merckx has plenty of records that aren’t going to be touched for a long time, if ever. I can’t imagine there are many people rooting against Cav. Hard to believe that the upcoming sprint stages hold more compelling possibilities than the remaining mountain stages, including the lame double ascent of Mont Ventoux that doesn’t finish on top.
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