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Everything posted by Vince_McCoy_Williams

  1. That is some Olympic level mental gymnastics right there LOL
  2. Subliminal, Brisket has been up liberal ass 24/7 and supports 90% of liberal policies. Dude isnt a Repub, he isnt even that moderate. To call him a Republican is laughable.
  3. Yeah he is a liberal, so he is true to his core beliefs of being a liberal. Sorry Jimmy, nobody is buying that.
  4. You know people can start as one party and switch over time right? Brisket's track record is comical. Any Republican policies he may have been for, he is not for anymore. All you would find is a gold mine of contradictions and backtracking if he was ever actually a Repub to begin with.
  5. Completely retarded. Hillary isnt running anything anymore and never will again. Great days!
  6. You said it with no assist from anyone Oh I said it because Brisket is the biggest liar on this board. Okay, maybe he isnt as bad as Hugo. But he goes around saying he is a Republican, when he literally circle jerks Dems on the daily and 90% of his views align with Dem party talking points and directives. It is completely ridiculous.
  7. Funny you think grammar on an internet board amounts to anything other than a false talking point you can use to try and make yourself feel superior to others.
  8. Your love of Trump expressed in (thankfully) as few words as possible. You literally stand for nothing. Ouch burn, because you said it, it must be true!
  9. Im actually not pro tarriffs (thanks for asking and not asuuming LOL), I am pro free market. I agree with Reagan. However, Trump's economy is doing quite well and I am willing to wait and see what ends up happening here. I find it HILARIOUS the Dems have been parading around the great Ronald Reagan, like yall dont hate him, just because he provided a convenient quote.
  10. I love people who prance around pretending to be Republicans
  11. How did that GDP growth % work out for Obama? Not too good...
  12. Deflection from what? All you did was attack my english in the last post. Sure I made a mistake, I could literally not give a single fuck. People who attack grammar dont have real arguments. Honestly not even convinced it should be "were" instead of "was"
  13. Ah yes, so this was all Obama's success. Seek help
  14. Whatever you gotta say to rationalize away the man's success, amirite?
  15. That sounds pretty close minded, you tell that to all the illegals too?
  16. The booming economy isnt a dream, although I bet you wish it was
  17. Try harder, that is from April, there has been quite a swing since then.
  18. Economy is looking pretty good right now, get back to me when his policies start tanking our economy. Ill hang up and listen.
  19. Cruz +11 in latest poll. Dream on Beto.
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