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Everything posted by Vince_McCoy_Williams

  1. I wouldn't give much credence to 40 year old allegations no matter the candidate.
  2. Again thank you for being transparent. The rest of the liberals pretend to be unbiased. You are a hypocritical douche, but at least you own it.
  3. I know he couldve killed someone and then fled the scene out of selfishness and cowardice. Truly disgusting stuff.
  4. Yeah, and shoe on the other foot you wouldnt care if this was a liberal SCOTUS nominee. Hypocrisy at its finest
  5. Accountable to the liberals on this board and yet none of them care? Hmmmm
  6. Justify your fake selective outrage for this unproven (most likely false) accusation and your unwavering support for Beto the convicted Drunk Driver and hit and runner.
  7. All I hear is a bunch of belly-aching from the liberals here about how terrible a person Kav is. Where is that same disdain for our local neighborhood Beto? He drove under the influence of alcohol, hit someone (endangering their life), and then turned into a yellow-belly coward and fled the scene. But somehow in your biased minds, a 40 year old accusation weighs more than the conviction of Beto. Yeah okay, yall can keep looking fucking stupid all day. Hypocrites.
  8. "He cites Eugene Debs, the five-time presidential candidate of the Socialist Party of America, as his hero" Also, I am done with this, continuing to debate this further just gives your insane radical positions legitimacy. We are not at a point in our country where your stupid socialist shit will catch on, thank god, so go pound sand.
  9. It is actually exactly what you said. You said you mistook me as old because "willfull ignorance" is typically found in old people. The statement was clear.
  10. Im not gonna debate you on Bernie "bread lines" Sanders. I would sooner vote for Hillary or Bill or Obama again than vote for a socialist/communist. Go to Cuba, they would love to have this debate with you.
  11. Everyone who doesnt agree with me politically is willfully ignorant! Great position to have for cordial and constructive political debate!
  12. Exactly what I knew your angle was because you are your ilk are predictable. I have a childhood friend who gets laughed off of facebook regularly for posting that shit all the time. Bernie describes himself as that to make himself more palatable to idiots he hopes to trick. Congrats, you got tricked.
  13. Im not old, Im actually quite young, but here we go again. I am some low IQ elderly dirtbag about to croak. Does the left ever not talk down to someone in a political debate? A smug arrogant person calling me smug. What a time to be alive, I got a good kick out of that.
  14. Im not gonna play this game, he is a radical socialist. You like the guy and yes, you yourself are a huge radical. You are what is wrong with the left. All you do here is peddle your socialist shit. Go to Cuba and let me know how it is. Take bad teammate with you.
  15. False, it is Trump's. If it was tanking and in the negatives, you would be all over him saying how he fucked our country up. Im not gonna let you get away with this pile of dishonest bullshit, you cant have it both ways. Trump owns this economy at his helm for better or worse.
  16. Oh my bad, he is a communist. "He cites Eugene Debs, the five-time presidential candidate of the Socialist Party of America, as his hero"
  17. That's pretty bad, Obama also put up negative growth multiple times. Trump is poised to hit 3+%. If he doesnt, I will consider him a complete failure.
  18. Do you have a critique to the post? Or is everyone who disagrees with your world view a Russian bot? I doubt you have anything since all you do is post stupid one liners on here.
  19. The Obama administration was the first administration to never have a full year average of 3% GDP growth or more at any point during his presidency.
  20. Whoosh, right over your head. You proved my point. I rightfully find socialism to be radical. You fail to see how calling a major political party supported by half the country radical is laughable. "Basically you just said, Im smart and they are so stupid because they dont see it my way." And you wonder why there is political divide.
  21. I appreciate at least posing something. Don't really see anything showing how Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election. But maybe you or Mr. Kruzel could pass that on to Mueller and he will finally get the information he needs for an indictment.
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