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Everything posted by Vince_McCoy_Williams

  1. And that is why this country is so divided. You think republican is a radical position. I think socialist is radical. I have never thought being liberal was radical. I would take Hillary over Sanders all day. But nope, you have to have it so half the country is just a bunch of inbred morons. Not a smart position to take.
  2. Everyone I dont agree with must be banned! Is an aggy (this is laughable really)! Sorry Im not good for a faceplant because I actually can hold my own in this sea of liberals here.
  3. I agree with the bolded. However, his management style is fine to me. Country is running just fine and CEO's are used to frequent turnover, if someone isnt doing their job to the liking of the boss, get them out and get someone in who can. No problem with that. Foreign policy is great actually, dont love the trade wars but the jury is still out on those in relation to our economy. I feel like they are mostly targeted at China. China, not Russia, is the real threat here. Regardless, not a fan of tariffs. But am definitely a fan of us pushing back on countries that have undeniably have been taking advantage of our country's great wealth and resources. His saving grace is the economy, 4% GDP growth and record low unemployment for minorities is nothing to scoff at and really should be applauded.
  4. Oh those crocodile tears are great, where were you when Obama was adding 10 trillion to the national debt? Your ad hominems will be ignored. I think he is a blowhard egomaniac that isnt very smart but there is no denying that our country is more prosperous due to his policies. Our economy has done fantastic. Obama didnt think 4% GDP growth was even possible. Trump defends most of those positions I listed, in what world should I not have voted for him over Hillary, be real.
  5. You are distorting my position completely. "Where's the collusion?" Let's start there, it is a simple question. And one that has not been answered and 99% likely will result in an answer of "nowhere." Sure Russia meddled in our elections, didnt affect the outcome, the result was clear, America voted for Trump over a corrupt political dynasty promising to continue Obama's far left policies. The fact Trump won the rust belt makes this plenty evident, Hillary only has herself to blame. Now for the "Why are yall talking about Russia?" Yeah that is entirely valid when it is brought up every day like it is a forgone conclusion that Trump colluded with Russia. Fact, there is no evidence that he colluded with Russia, if there was they wouldve immediately borught it forward and I would be in full support of his removal. To act like a sitting president is a 100% traitor to our country despite the fact that a special investigation has turned up nothing in almost 2 years of trying their very fucking hardest to intimidate and squeeze people close to Trump into spilling some sort of information implicating him, is ridiculous and deserves to be called out.
  6. Just around the corner huh? You gonna defend impeachment attempts if there is no substance other than you think he is unhinged? If he is so terrible, just wait 2 years and he will be gone, why throw America into an even deeper political divide over nothing? (I will fully be onboard with impeachment attempts if and when there is actual believable evidence he worked with Russia to hack or undermine our elections)
  7. Nah, I'm a card carrying member of the deep state. I'm fully radicalized already. Joke all you want but you know I am right. You all live in an echo chamber here. To simply be a republican is considered radical, that is absurd. Nobody responded to my earlier post about what makes me such a mouthbreather. I believe in very defendable, mainstream positions. "That someone could possibly be for lower taxes, that someone could oppose abortion, that someone could want an economy that has less regulations stagnating it's growth, that I support closed borders and a merit based immigration system, that someone would have the gall to want our Constitutional rights defended and upheld (looking at you 2nd amendment)..."
  8. Your liberal posse literally are the trolls. I tried to ask them serious questions. But apparently not thinking Trump colluded with Russia or just being a republican just makes you a "troll." Sad the echo chamber runs that deep here, because yall are living in fantasy land and it is radicalizing all of you.
  9. Your buddies were all about the Russian conspiracy and how "authoritarian" Trump is, I get you and the other JJ confused sometimes. You just came in and started firing ad hominems, you have no position other than to troll.
  10. Yeah, and I believe you about Russia and Trump colluding. And the pee tapes. And your other fantasies. When you dont have a winning hand, argumentum ad hominem usually will make your echo chamber feel like they are winning.
  11. Or you know, those are my favorite 3 longhorn players. But please do tell me more about how my name is triggering your fragile mind.
  12. You take really hard line views that ignore all contrary evidence. Then call everyone else morons. We say you're a bot because it defies belief that someone could be so obtuse. That someone could possibly be for lower taxes, that someone could oppose abortion, that someone could want an economy that has less regulations stagnating it's growth, that I support closed borders and a merit based immigration system, that someone would have the gall to want our Constitutional rights defended and upheld (looking at you 2nd amendment)... Geez didnt know those very reasonable positions make people subhuman idiots.
  13. Oh boy, just wait until this group of totally fair non-biased liberals hears what Beto O' Rourke did when he got drunk and rammed his car into another person. Can you say dead candidacy? They are gonna be outraged!
  14. Wow, that roasted me. Surely your arrogance has submitted me, I have no reply. How about you show me some proof Trump colluded with Russia or that Putin has some piss tapes? Something to warrant the impeachment crying
  15. Everyone I dont agree with is a racist, wait he must be a Nazi, just kidding, he is a bot, but maybe he is just a moron. Whew, must get exhausting trying to figure out which one I must be today. Nobody could possibly be a republican and not sniff paint chips and have the IQ of Ricky Bobby.
  16. So when you start losing arguments, the left resorts to memes and troll accusations. Nice, but fully expected.
  17. Cool, you threw a meme up. Tell me exactly how Trump colluded with Russia again and his impeachment is totally about to happen this time for reals, no takebacks lol Also, nice sidestep on the record low minority unemployment and 4% GDP growth. Best to not acknowledge the facts and just hurl memes and non-sequiturs.
  18. What a shitty argument. First you just made a wild accusation that because one person has an accusation of being a child molester the whole party must be that. So I guess it's fair if we bring up every liberal lawmaker's transgressions? Nope didnt think so. Antifa looks much more like Nazis than anything coming out of the GOP.
  19. The traitor? How exactly? Colluding with Russia? Pee tapes? Secret bribes? Putin secret backchannels? Sorry I interrupted the circle jerk liberal echo chamber. How about you just decide he isnt a very good president and vote against him for that? Why cling on to this Russian hoax and impeachment with no merit. Because you want to feel slighted, cheated, that you didnt lose to Trump. Newsflash, you did.
  20. How is that impeachment working our for you triplehorn? You said Trump would be gone by April of 2017 over at shaggy. Let's see, then it was January 2018 he would be for sure double dog done. Then it was Summer 2018. Where are we at now? Is he gonna be impeached post mortem? LOL
  21. Yeah thats all you got. Because Russia hasnt done anything with the GOP or Trump. Nobody colluded. The election wasnt hacked. Trump is a duly elected president. The only authoritarian people here are the ones who want a fairly elected president removed because they have Russian fantasies and he hurt their feelings in some tweets.
  22. Dead fucking serious. Stop being a pawn for liberal emotional manipulation and race baiting. That is their entire platform, deception. Wake up, do some research, try and think independently.
  23. If you think an authoritarian liberal/socialist regime that stacks the courts isnt gonna have some serious national repercussions then you are on drugs. And stop with this BS about how the GOP is setting any precedents. GOP hasnt done anything "authoritarian" and you dipshits are chasing shadows in Russia all day. Wake up
  24. Russia Russia Russia, it is always the same BS with you. Russia didnt do anything with Trump and the GOP isnt in bed with them. Take your fantasies elsewhere. I deal in realities and if you truly think our country is being destroyed with lowest minority unemployments and 4% GDP growth then please do us all a favor and take a long walk on a short pier.
  25. Lol, wow what is wrong with you, GOP is destroying democracy? What the fuck are you smoking
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