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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. Lmfao make up your mind Hugo. Did he or didn’t he? I didn’t conveniently forget shit. The man ran with everything he had taking instructions from no one but his constituents the people of America. Then he got beat under suspicious circumstances and still did what he could to prevent Trump.
  2. The first is bad. The second displays a lack of conviction and leadership. Not as bad as the first but something I really want no part of. Especially now that we all see the house is on fire. Maybe someone should ask her the question so we can maybe know.
  3. Giving Liz shit for doing as she’s told. The exact opposite of what is needed at this point in time. Which is bold leadership. To come up with solutions to an array of problems right now when they’re needed not 4 10 20 years later. All coming from a good place. All goes back to there is only one candidate who can truly be trusted by the people. But let’s take our chances with someone else.
  4. And Jerry won’t win another Super Bowl for another decade. What else is new.
  5. I see you don’t realize who the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys is. Zeke isn’t a traditional back. He is extraordinary and can do everything out of the backfield. Trade 20 or 30 straight up? To this team? Y’all are just fucking w me now.
  6. A dt? No. Maybe Pat but I’d give a lot of credit to Andy Reid. Pat under Jason Garret no thanks. Lol at Antonio Bryant. Not taking the pass rusher over a RB especially considering who we have on our roster. And no to Rodgers over Zeke at this point in their careers. If I was starting a NFL team I’m taking none of those players over Zeke. To each their own.
  7. So basically what would’ve happened to Liz had she endorsed Bernie. I’m sure worse in Nina’s case due to well you know. Why Liz wouldn’t listen to guess who Bernie when he asked her to run in 2016. Liz got her marching orders and dutifully took them. Que lastima.
  8. And I’m still curious... Who is better than Zeke right now?
  9. What are you Jerry’s dog walker? Someone’s just asking questions and I’m just some random guy answering questions.
  10. He’s getting cute making jokes and negotiating through the media. Negotiate w Zeke and his agent. The benchmark is Gurley. 4 years 60M and what 40M guaranteed. Pay Zeke first and figure out the rest. And lol at xfl castoffs. You draft well and fill out your roster w bargain NFL players.
  11. To start he should stfu and negotiate. But it’s Jerry so that’s never gonna happen. Pay the best player in the league like he’s the best player in the league. There is no way around that. What else are you going to do with the money? Who is more worthy of it than Zeke? You have a small chance to win a Super Bowl with Zeke. You have zero chance without him.
  12. Sarcasm meter not broken. Jerry’s earned jackshit. Y’all know who has earned it? The one bashing skulls carrying your offense and bar none the best player in the league. Zeke has his faults but he’s a dog. You’d have to be a senile old man to let your ego fuck this one up.
  13. Cowboys aren’t winning shit without Zeke. Might not with him either so maybe it doesn’t matter. But if you want a chance stop making fucking jokes jerking off and get it done Jerry. Wtf
  14. Having worked a few shit jobs after username this hits home. I have worked at a place where the thought of a union is laughable. I have worked at a place where everyone thought about it but if you said union and the wrong person heard you bye. I have worked at a place that was unionized. The union job was by far the best situation for a working person. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-08-21/sanders-unveils-sweeping-labor-plan-with-sectorwide-bargaining?srnd=politics-vp “What I believe is that we’re not going to grow the middle class of this country unless we revitalize the trade union movement and unless we provide the opportunity for millions of workers to do what they want, and that is to join trade unions,” Sanders said in an interview on Tuesday. Sanders’s labor platform includes ending “at-will” employment, so companies could no longer fire workers without showing they had “just cause”; extending collective bargaining rights to state and local government employees; and allowing federal employees to strike.
  15. You people think you’re comedians!?
  16. Don’t tell the old white guys w a few million or so over a lifetime they’re the real slaves Hugo. They can’t quite grasp it yet.
  17. Take it easy old man the fate of this country depends on it! Who am I kidding Bernie will still be putting that shit in the gap at 100.
  18. This wasn’t really on my radar until now. I’m disappointed Bernie didn’t include sex workers in his proposal. Let people live their fucking lives. There is still time to make it right. He usually gets it right. Get it right. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/evjnxk/bernie-sanders-elizabeth-warren-criminal-justice-plans-exclude-sex-work-decriminalization “Politicians are going to act like they’re supporting us, and learn to mouth the right rhetoric,” said Kristen DiAngelo, the executive director of the Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOP) Sacramento. “But the fact that Sanders and Warren left decriminalization out of their plans tells me that they don't believe we’re a strong enough constituent base to worry about—we’re not a big enough of a concern them, or it would’ve been addressed.” (Neither the Sanders nor the Warren campaign have returned VICE’s requests for comment.)
  19. https://www.si.com/nba/2019/08/20/dallas-mavericks-luka-doncic-kristaps-porzingis-seth-curry-rick-carlisle The odds could be stacked against playoff basketball returning to Dallas in 2020. Such a run isn’t close to inconceivable, though, and the general public may be discounting Dallas when slotting the final West playoff spots. Doncic was a clear Rookie of the Year winner; Porzingis can return to a top-20 player if healthy. The Carlisle bump is good for a few wins per year, and the roster as it stands is deep on reliable talent. Dallas is a notable piece away from true contention in the West. For now, consider the Mavericks still firmly in the pool of postseason contenders.
  20. Bernie came up with the playbook on fighting corruption in politics... like everything else btw. And he can’t multitask? That’s weak. Talking about oligarchy and billionyairs running the government since before I was born. He’s been better prepared before Warren even thought about it.
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