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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. I know who you were talking about. Does your vote not dictate what you believe in? We are his supporters bc of his lifelong record that is obviously unmatched as far as progressive values go. The notion that we as a country will reward Bernie w anything just because is absurd. He will have earned every vote with honesty and integrity. I clearly understand I can’t make you do anything. Why would I think otherwise? All I do here is promote Bernie’s ideas. I expect the recoil and push back. That’s why I started posting.
  2. Surely you can understand the populace has trust issues w their politicians and government. Bernie is the only one bc who else can I trust w 100% certainty. I’ll take the guy who has been fighting the fight all day every day for 40 plus years. It is rare or dare I say nonexistent. You discount the possibility there is no one else. We know more than anyone we are entitled to nothing.
  3. Believe? The proof will be in the historical pudding. One candidate has fought against injustice his entire life. That’s fact not a belief. Sorry if you missed that. No one thinks they are better than anyone. Nor am I trying to shame anyone. If you think that’s the point I’m trying to make I wonder why you feel that way. You can be indifferent. It doesn’t make me better than you. The right way to make progress is to call out bullshit when you see it and form a majority. So when y’all come in here saying shit like Bernie’s taxing everyone to pay for college for all or that WaPo isn’t decidedly slanted against Bernie I’m calling that shit out bc it’s bullshit. That’s not me saying fuck you. That’s me calling out your indifference.
  4. It’s your indifference. As bt has eloquently pointed out it doesn’t really matter to you if Bernie is elected bc what he fights for will have minimal impact on the lives of the comfortable. You have room to make snide comments and move on w life. Others not so much. Could even be a matter of life and death in some cases. That is why he asked you to check your motivations. Case in point. More indifference. Yes let’s calm down while the house is on fire. It’s funny. A good long joke.
  5. Csb https://berniesanders.com/issues/college-for-all/ Tax Wall Street Gambling to Cancel All Student Debt and Pay for College for All We can guarantee higher education as a right for all and cancel all student debt for an estimated $2.2 trillion. To pay for this, we will impose a tax of a fraction of a percent on Wall Street speculators who nearly destroyed the economy a decade ago. This Wall Street speculation tax will raise $2.4 trillionover the next ten years. It works by placing a 0.5 percent tax on stock trades – 50 cents on every $100 of stock – a 0.1 percent fee on bond trades, and a 0.005 percent fee on derivative trades. If Wall Street can be bailed out for several trillion dollars, 45 million Americans can and will be bailed out of the $1.6 trillion burden of student loan debt and we can provide free college for all. Some 40 countries throughout the world have imposed a similar tax, including Britain, South Korea, Hong Kong, Brazil, Germany, France, Switzerland and China.
  6. Scapegoat the immigrants minorities and poors while we have the taxpayers subsidize the employees of the richest families and corporations in the world. Add a few distractions and they’ll never notice. Better yet some will even willfully fight the war.
  7. The man is legendary regardless of what happens next. Still think he gets it done in 2020. The Rogan podcast now has close to 7M views in 3 days. Reading the comments is pretty encouraging as well. Many people seeing Bernie for who he is for the first time it seems. Amazing but whatever I’ll take it. I’d love to see Joe Biden go an hour answering unscripted questions. Would qualify for a comedy special.
  8. Seen a few of these idk who this guy is but if you’re a white person and don’t get it he lays it out. Don’t be terrific Tom. We can’t just push it aside and act like it doesn’t exist because we don’t want to hurt white people feelings. Just admit this shit and help out. I’m usually encouraged by what I read here and when I see things like this so at least there’s that.
  9. See I would laugh if it wasn’t true. So right now that shit ain’t too funny to me.
  10. I do not believe anyone here is arguing affordable housing is the cause for anyone moving up in the world. It is simply a way to help ensure people aren’t sleeping in the streets. But don’t let me stop you from using phrases like poor blacks, projects, and crime infested ghettos when describing the totality of the situation.
  11. Obviously. Just know if there’s injustice Bernie’s probably on it.
  12. Look at these crime infested ghettos... that these people came from. While following the American Dream you still need somewhere to sleep. How can one accomplish anything without a place to live?
  13. You have to be getting fucked hard with the oppressor standing over you laughing maniacally until it actually means anything. Anything you did to fight it up until that point means you just brought the actual rape upon yourself.
  14. https://www.wfaa.com/mobile/article/opinion/dale-hansen-commentary-white-guys-like-the-2-shooters-this-weekend-never-represent-the-race-or-religion/287-0997faaf-03ec-4660-8bf6-0de0f97ee708 Dale Hansen on point again. I appreciate the fact he uses his voice and expresses his opinion.
  15. This is me. Fuck are we in denial? I need to see the people of this country tell me with their votes Joe Biden is the guy to put it all on the line with. Until then I don’t believe it. These polls are untrustworthy. They couldn’t see Donald Trump coming.
  16. Wtf are you talking about Brad? Start a thread connecting the DSA not endorsing a democratic nominee and the El Paso shootings. Has jack shit to do w Bernie Sanders.
  17. Did I say that? The Democratic Party will support whoever wins their nomination. How could they not? That’s what this nomination process is about amirite? The entirety of the actual people that make up the Democratic Party as it is will never fully support Bernie Sanders. You are creating a false equivalency to somehow cast Bernie and his followers in a bad light. It is a commonly used tactic as there isn’t anything to actually attack Bernie on. So you attach his followers and the like. I’m sure if the DSA were an actual major party and someone won their nomination they would endorse that person. Instead they are a small faction of the Democratic Party as a whole. If centrist democrats were to come out now and say they will support Bernie Sanders then you may have an argument. But as is you’re reaching.
  18. We want their full party support sure. Let’s not pretend Bernie will ever get it. In a sense they are reciprocating that reality. The rest is up to the voters.
  19. Dr. West hits the nail on the head again. What a guy to have campaigning for you. Neoliberal centrists lack the ability to put anyone before themselves. They might talk the talk but are very rarely walking the walk. Then you still have the ones actively fighting progress under the guise of a progressive. Centrists have been comfortable and that comfort has numbed their ability to show compassion empathy and love for their fellow human being. Literally able to forget the struggles of others once a shiny toy distracts them. Good news is things are starting to get real uncomfortable around here. A lot of mirrors being stared into is not a bad thing. Thanks Trump.
  20. Lol come on now this isn’t supposed to be directed towards this conversation right? Give me more credit than that at least.
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