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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. Idk that statement to be true. At least you used potentially. Joe Biden as president means nothing. He is a pig w lipstick. A scoundrel. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. He is Donald Trump in disguise. You know like how all the racist old white guys used to get by undetected. Say one thing to your face and do another behind your back. Or maybe say it blatantly to your face and laugh it off bc he had that one black friend that one time. He is going back to the old way of doing things. Undercover. The very definition of white male privilege. Give me a fucking break. Please defend Joe Biden some more so I can let off some more steam.
  2. This is lasting longer than I expected. I’ve seen enough to know I will not vote for Joe fucking Biden. I said it and it feels good.
  3. If he’d forget about his fucking hat and run through first base he would have beat the throw. I’ll attribute that to years of rust.
  4. Think this article sums up Bernie 2020. https://time.com/longform/bernie-sanders-2020/
  5. Tuning in for the gloves coming off in the third period. Start game 5 already.
  6. No kidding. Even though Turgeon went on to become a Star I still have nightmares of him working around the net in a Blues uniform.
  7. Me either. I think they’re eager to get started quick turnaround be damned. Def excited and optimistic for game 1.
  8. Hate to look back on game day but these videos offer some behind the scenes for the Nashville series. This is part 2. Monty continues to look like the real deal.
  9. It appears the Blues goaltender is capable of surpassing the play of Rinne. Some of that has to be bc of their defense. Didn’t watch too much Blues hockey tho.
  10. Thinks it’s obvious the penalty kill or lack of Nashville pp was the difference this series. Will be interesting to see how the pk adjusts to a better Blues pp. If Ben and the top line keep playing like the last few games it’s in the bag.
  11. Must have missed that
  12. We will have to agree to disagree. It’s all about the money that gives way to power.
  13. Tone Dr. West.
  14. Username checks out part 2. Everyone saw those headlines coming. It’s based on nothing really. Stating facts about tax cuts for the rich or how money is distributed in America isn’t demonizing the rich. I also see we are worried about the national debt again. Tweet Trump. Economic illiteracy? Is that your opinion? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/18/opinion/bernie-sanders-tax.html?searchResultPosition=3 The answer seems to be that Sanders got a lot of book royalties after the 2016 campaign, and was afraid that revealing this fact would produce headlines mocking him for now being part of the 1 Percent. Indeed, some journalists did try to make his income an issue. This line of attack is, however, deeply stupid. Politicians who support policies that would raise their own taxes and strengthen a social safety net they’re unlikely to need aren’t being hypocrites; if anything, they’re demonstrating their civic virtue. Even now, most Americans don’t seem to realize just how rich today’s rich are. At a recent event, my CUNY colleague Janet Gornick was greeted with disbelief when she mentioned in passing that the top 25 hedge fund managers make an average of $850 million a year. But her number was correct. One survey found that Americans, on average, think that corporate C.E.O.s are paid about 30 times as much as ordinary workers, which hasn’t been true since the 1970s. These days the ratio is more like 300 to 1.
  15. It’s obvious by now right? Not like I expected them to go quietly but know supporters of Bernie didn’t want to play this game of chicken leading up to 2020. We won’t blink. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/04/18/cenk-uygur-on-why-democrats-are-afraid-of-bernie-sanders.html Uygur's point is that big money donors who back mainstream candidates will lose their positions of power in the face of a Sanders win. A political system corrupted by corporate cash and influence, he said, will finally fall if the democratic socialist who has proposed "Medicare for All," free college education and a $15 minimum wage is elected. "The people with the most money will lose all power, they will not be rewarded," he said. "All their power is in giving money to politicians and controlling them. Bernie Sanders doesn't want their money. They are going to fight Bernie Sanders harder than any Republican will." That could be a dangerous game: Attacking Sanders will "force everyone to rally around him," Uygur said. "That's why Bernie has always stood an excellent chance of winning. They can't take away a small donor base. The more they attack him, the more he will raise." Indeed, the Sanders' campaign is already fundraising on the party conflict, dashing off a pitch this week that read in part: "The Democratic establishment and high-dollar donors are already planning how to stop our campaign. They are terrified of our movement - as they should be."
  16. Y’all know what time it is right? 1:25 BOOM http://m.worldstarhiphop.com/apple/video.php?v=wshh1Jj97Y0tM2u5GYtl
  17. Don’t go all CR on me now Vic
  18. I certainly agree and used his terms to begin the discussion. Let’s not pretend to know how much doctors pay will be affected just yet.
  19. We can talk about tuition free and affordable public college in another thread. Not like Bernie has an opinion on that but go ahead and make that a part of your argument. No one said deny yourself. Like you stated smart kids have options. Either you do or don’t want to be a doctor. No problem if you don’t and money is an influential factor. That’s cool I get it. The medical field may no longer be for those types. And that’s me accepting your opinion as fact on how doctor pay would be affected for the sake of argument. Some have a different view. http://pnhp.org/news/medicare-for-all-and-the-myth-of-the-40-physician-pay-cut/
  20. The advancement of the medical field in America will not come to a halt bc of M4A. I fail to see how private insurance is solely responsible for any of those advancements. Same quality of people? Yes I do. If only there was some way to differentiate between someone who wants to be a doctor and someone who is an actual doctor. I believe an argument could be made that an even better quality of people driven only by their passion to be doctors.
  21. As usual I’m just not following your thought process. When your parents left Iran are you insinuating if M4A had been in place at the time in America your father would not have chosen America? W all due respect and without knowing your father let me suggest he still would have chosen America if M4A had been in place at the time. America is still viewed by many as the greatest country in the world bc of the sum of America not just one part. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one. These doctors seem more concerned with idk actually providing healthcare. Describing the present and then project that onto your M4A prediction and then call your future prediction the bad thing? Is that what just happened there?
  22. Is Pete a duck? Sadly certainly starting to appear so. Don’t roll around in too much shit Pete. You’re young and the smell has a tendency to stick for entire political careers these days.
  23. The whole Benn family in the front row was ready to rumble
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