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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. If I have a vote and you have a vote that are of equal value in a national election who’s getting gored?
  2. I know it’s not. Let’s be sure the rest of the country does too.
  3. This is simple to me. One person one vote or stop calling America a democracy.
  4. Believe I pay like 10 bucks for the antibiotics prescribed to him now. Pretty sure it’s not cefixime but I’m not a doctor huh so could be wrong. Why would a formulary antibiotic not be prescribed? Or is it that I’ve spent $200 on ear infections over the year?
  5. And my cost share would be $50 why?
  6. How is a recurrent ear infection in a three year old not a special case? Is this normal for kids? Especially over the course of a year... Side note I have two kids and one of them actually gets recurrent ear infections. It’s not a normal case to me. His ear is messed up. Fluid gets trapped back there when he gets sick for some fucking reason no one knows.
  7. How so? Describe a situation where OOP expenses occur and I’ll show you a special case.
  8. No OOP is a talking point bc it will be that for the majority of Americans. Only in special cases will OOP expenses occur. Running on “no OOP expenses except when using non formularies etc etc” doesn’t have the same ring to it. It also would not be the case for the majority of people. The majority would receive no exception no gap coverage while incurring no OOP expenses. Let’s also remember it is in the bill. Everything you take issue with as being misleading is in plain text for those that actually read. You then seem to be contrasting Bernie’s plan w Beto’s. Dangerous territory now. What had Beto done that makes you not question him or his motives while at the same time picking Bernie’s apart word for word? This is the issue I have w detractors of Bernie. Let’s objectively look at the options and go w the best one. Who said these things? Who says utopia? Better than what we have now. A step forward. These are more in line w the thought. UM in its current form is profit driven. UM under M4A will be people driven with an emphasis on reducing cost. I’m assuming no cost sharing provisions for pharmaceuticals and biologicals is due to the fact that they are already covered under the formulary options. Why would there be cost sharing if someone opts to go their own way?
  9. You’re losing me Ana. I understand the points you are trying to make but it seems like nitpicking. You take issue with the wording? Under Medicare for all I’m sure there will be exceptions and gaps in extreme cases. Overall millions of lives will be positively affected. Still a vast improvement over the current system. Under Medicare for all there will be OOP expenses like off-formularies. Again I’d wager still a vast improvement over the current system. Bernie’s bill isn’t describing a no OOP expenses pipe dream. It is plainly stated we have our preferred medicines that will be paid for but if you have your own preferences expect to pay extra. Is the current system efficient or accountable? What is your choice between Medicare for all and the current system? I understand you have your own perspective on how things should work but who is proposing this? You trust these individuals to do what they say they will do? You trust the markets to not be profit driven? I’ll help you out by quoting you from your link to the prescription drug thread. “Problem is, too many entrenched interests with deep lobby pockets and a totally dysfunctional political system.” That’s because it’s the best option available. Why would they give it up?
  10. Greta is an awesome and inspiring leader.
  11. If you can’t beat em join em. Ven conmigo mi amor.
  12. I agree. I’ll leave the Biden stuff alone. I wish identity politics didn’t exist. Pretending it doesn’t will not help the situation. Confront it head on. Identity politics will only disappear when it’s acknowledged by everyone and defeated. Not hidden away to only grow.
  13. I agree with all of this. I believe it helps make the point. Hillary is a woman. A Clinton woman at that. The only thing I would take issue with is the insinuation the SECOND black president would have it any different. Would the pressure or reality of the situation be any different if magic Obama number 2 won in 2020? Doubt it. It would be magnified.
  14. Obama is rare. What was he able to accomplish? This is why I can’t really hold anything against him. Do I think he could have done better? Sure. Do I think there was a literal white guy roadblock every time he tried to do something? Absolutely. It’s not placating anyone. It’s dealing with reality. Who the fuck said always? Who said go back?? Some of you have a real hard time grasping the point of a post. We can make the change. I have confidence we will make the change soon. Demographics are shifting. The time isn’t now. A fucking white supremacist is president for fucks sake. Right after a black guy who was cockblocked for everything and anything. He couldn’t even wear a tan suit.
  15. I know you want to pretend one is like the other but they’re not. Andrew is talking about putting in work. Earn something. Is your argument Bernie hasn’t worked for this? I have given my opinion on a 2020 white male President. I say this as a minority. If the dems want to win it’s probably a good idea to run a white guy. If the dems want to change America it’s probably a good idea to run a white guy. A country created by old white guys for old white guys still needs a old white guy to run it. Shocking I know. It’s pretty obvious by the statistics above. It’s obvious bc Trump. The nation as a whole is still not ready to have a minority truly lead. Hopefully we get there sometime soon.
  16. On voting record https://medium.com/@AnthonyPannullo/senator-sanders-and-russia-setting-the-voting-record-straight-77d4ce5c50f5 https://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/video-audio/why-i-voted-against-the-sactions-bill On the honeymoon??? Also doubling as his official duties as the mayor of Burlington. https://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2015/aug/12/george-will/george-will-reminds-readers-about-bernie-sanders-u/
  17. Perhaps. Certainly possible. Not all about Hugo either. At the end of the day facts are the only thing that should matter when trying to persuade fairly intelligent people. Cue Trump loves the uneducated.
  18. The substance is in the man’s body of work. There is literally countless videos. I haven’t even seen them all. It’s fucking crazy.
  19. There’s plenty more
  20. Warren is the only one I expected any substance from. I like her. I do. She’s trying to fix a system that can’t be fixed but at least she knows it’s fucked. That article reads very similar to this one. Notice the dates. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/ng-interactive/2018/sep/13/bernie-sanders-international-progressive-front
  21. Our enemies? Meaning Russia obv. Who else is our enemy? Just so I know what to blast in my next post. What does Beto think?
  22. I expect more out of you idk why I just do. Why do you say this? You had a nightmare? Let’s try and back it up with facts if we are going to make bombastic claims.
  23. Tried looking for the quote bringing up Bernie’s foreign policy. If his foreign policy began and ended here it would have been enough. He has still taken notice of the critics and is looking to take his progressive agenda worldwide. Make no mistake people around the world are listening. The movement would only grow with him as president. Can we please be specific about where his weak spot is? Russia? Saudi Arabia? Israel? Central/South America? And if we label Bernie weak on foreign policy... wtf is the rest of the field?
  24. idk Brad. We have blood all over our fucking face as a nation and he’s simply trying to start w the simplest answer. All these Vincent Vega’s need him to be nice first. If I’m curt with you it’s bc time is a factor.
  25. Bt is The Wolf from Pulp Fiction. Say pretty please.
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