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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. Still fighting... let’s go Mavs
  2. 87 millennial. Absolutely are a separate generation. The transition stuck in the middle of technology and a changing world. Macs in school was a pretty cool experience. All glowing in neon colors like alien technology. MTV/BET music videos before school. I’m assuming when you olds say new music sucks you’re referring to rap. Just know there’s a difference between the “hits” you halfway hear/pay attention to on the radio and the real rap songs. I’ll listen to anything and I’d put the real rap music/songs up against any genre or artist from any year. There is real messages and depth in some songs. If you’ve already written it off though and don’t have an open mind then I’d agree don’t bother. Napster was great for exploring music as a young man. We still went outside but also had no problem playing video games to relax. Pretty sure was close to 10k in debt for a year and a half at UT. Great way to start out and real smart on my part as username checks out. Horns won the NC so I called it even making the best of that shit situation. I’d vote there’s a difference. Technology and specifically the Internet changed everything. As the Internet continues to change every little thing matters. Like mentioned earlier subtle changes like different types of social media matter. These kids really grow up early bc it’s all out there. They find what they’re looking for no matter what obstacles you put in their way. I thought millennials had this down but it’s nothing compared to Gen Z. They won’t put up with any bullshit or lies. They don’t need and probably don’t want your help. Figure it out on your own will be ingrained in them from birth. Millennials got this gift/curse right in the middle of growing up.
  3. Freshman year. What a time to be alive. Pretty sure I remember walking around West Campus and a car or two may have been flipped after Ohio St. Can only claim every home game but I’ll take it. What a comfortable feeling walking into DKR knowing we would not lose. Knew we would get USC for all the glory after Ohio St. Never doubted how the season would end. Thanks VY.
  4. I know we won’t miss Dirk on the court for his play. It can obviously be replaced. It’s the memories good times and bad times. It’s all love. Build and put his statue in front of the AAC already.
  5. Let’s start the season with a win. Will miss MVP Dirk but hold on as long as you can. Hopefully just the beginning for Dennis and Luka together here in Dallas. Jordan is a big time difference for this team right now. Add a few pieces here and there and I expect championships soon. No pressure.
  6. Bernie’s ideas have already caught fire as far as I can tell. Every democratic candidate has pretty much adopted whose ideas? I think it’s premature to assume his supporters will be drastically split among other candidates. I could probably more easily assume more supporters. But let’s assume they are split... are we also going to assume he won’t be one of the last ones standing towards the end of the primary? Where will those supporters go at the end? Joe Biden? They will return to Sanders in lieu of male Clinton version 2020. It will take a young new charismatic progressive to steal Bernie’s thunder. Someone like Beto doing something like he’s doing in Texas. The established democrats will lose again to Trump repeating the same mistake just 4 painful years later pushing Biden as they have. Biden has zero chance of pulling any Trump supporters. A guy who was the VP for Obama has no chance. Bernie has a little better than zero percent chance of pulling some of those Trump votes. Given the political climate someone like Harris or Warren close to zero chance. Someone like Beto is a gamble. Democrats putting all their money on a big enough jump in voter turnout is simply a bad bet for the future of this country. Bernie’s above criticisms of Obama were on point. IMO the best president of my generation fell right back into the old democratic playbook. He ran and campaigned on something different but the reality was more of the same. This is fact. How much of that can be attributed to him being handcuffed by Republicans will never be known. The black vote may not side with Bernie in the primary for reasons mentioned. But let’s not forget that’s just the beginning. Someone has to beat Trump. The black vote goes to Trump? The guy who supports white supremacists pushed blacks out of his buildings and probably spews derogatory remarks at will in private. Or does the black vote go to pretty much any democrat Bernie included. The guy who got arrested while he was young fighting segregation. The same story for the latino vote for different obvious reasons. Bernie is the transition. He is the old white guy to pull some old white guy votes in order to buy time for the changing demographics to usher in a real progressive era. An era where a woman or minority can win an election and perhaps actually govern without being obstructed at every turn. None of this every action has an opposite and equal reaction mess we have found ourselves in since Obama. Or maybe I just get snapped back to reality and 4 more nightmarish years of Trump. Who knows what would follow that. While I am still optimistic Brisket’s POV is becoming more and more clear everyday. Need a momentum shift.
  7. Yea no... Worse off than last time in what way? Going up against Clinton who was already proclaimed the winner when the primaries started. No one outside of Vermont even knew who Bernie was. There is no way he is worse off than last time. Down 20 points in an early CNN poll to Biden is nothing compared to down 80 points to Clinton in every poll in 2016 when the actual primaries began. He came damn close at the end of it.
  8. Nothing says we have a new coach like 50 shots on goal. Wore them out.
  9. Think the UFC is trying to have it both ways and I think they can. They want the WWE style entertainment but also want the best fighters in the world. I’d expect Dana to let this all go bc Dana is about the money. If arguably the best MMA fighter in the world isn’t on your roster how can you claim to be the best promotion? Khabib is a draw now and that will only continue to grow especially if he takes this unbeaten streak any further. Reading probably a year suspension for Khabib by the NSAC. Would this suspension mean he can’t fight in Nevada but could elsewhere?
  10. 4 goals should be enough. Worried more about the focusness on defense. Ben can’t do it all by himself all year.
  11. Agree 100%. Was happy to see him pull the miracle out of his ass against the Russian bc Texas. The match against Francis was the worst I’ve seen in the UFC. I expect DC to handle Lewis easily.
  12. Good for him. If anyone needed any further proof what this means to Khabib there you have it. Your move Dana.
  13. I think the point of his post is people are defending themselves now. In other words defensive. That hasn’t necessarily happened before. Thanks Trump.
  14. Some will vote. For the first time ever. Maybe enough. Whether that’s enough is tbd. I’ll name you a bunch of dumbasses in government and the ones I hope to take their place. I don’t give a fuck about ACL.
  15. https://news.gallup.com/poll/243539/americans-maintain-positive-view-bernie-sanders.aspx
  16. You haven’t heard?
  17. Coming from you I’ll take that as a compliment. Thank you.
  18. The kids marching in the street is fake news. Women are having less sex now than before and abortions are a thing of the past.
  19. LOLZ at the idea of the majority of millennials becoming anything close to conservative. Conservative millennials will be the overwhelming minority as they are now. Once millennials take over it’s a fast track to overly progressive views only emboldened by Gen Z. There will be healthcare for all. Education will be a priority as our kids will not go through the same bs we did. Think marijuana is the end? Watch out for psychedelics. After that who knows. Anyone will be able to marry anyone and most will not care. Women will do any job a man does and be better at it. Racism? In case you haven’t noticed sex and the inevitable offspring is prevalent across racial lines. This trend will only continue. Work ethic? Robots will be programmed with a superb work ethic. Young people are moving to cities in record numbers, vacating small towns, and connecting with those around them. The Internet and social media changed the game.
  20. The way I see it why worry about teams or winning. You have ideals and vote according to who best matches up. I’m not worried about the reasons anyone else is voting. No one will ever be 100% but do the best you can. Until we get to a point where every individual has a vote on every issue there is nothing else you can do. The game is sick and I largely agree with your assessment of it. I just know you can’t change anything sitting it out. I don’t pretend to know the workings of God and perhaps everything has to happen for a reason. I would like to think what’s happening in the world today is more like hell than heaven. If it’s something to do with God the reason you’re not interested in voting well that’s an argument to never be won. I can see the point of view that decisions have already been made by God. As Bob Marley would say “we’ve got to fulfill the book.” I can also see the point of view that God put you on this Earth to make a difference the way you see fit. I obviously don’t know your point of view just throwing darts in the dark after a 5 min read of Anabaptists. At the end of the day nobody knows anything. End rant.
  21. I’ll agree with the sentiment that some do not see much difference between the two parties. I’ll also add upbringing. When your raised to not care about voting or in a family that has never voted it is normal to not vote. It’s almost like it doesn’t exist. Like anything else your taught or see from a young age it takes awhile to break the mold. The electoral college as far as voting for POTUS. Living in fucking Texas it’s easy to say why waste your time. It’s going to be red anyway. Like Clinton will win Texas. If you don’t vote for President the rest seems easy to skip out on. I used to think moving was the answer. Now I’d like to help turn Texas blue. OP hits close to home. No interest in voting until recently. Thanks Trump. Why I believe this almost had to happen. He has awakened a generation of voters who despise him. Guess what that generation will teach their kids. So everyone get your fill of libtears now. There will be a left wing President again someday who will wield all this power the current GOP has allowed.
  22. Illegal children in detention centers... look at you. Look in a fucking mirror. Those families are doing exactly what our ancestors would have done. What any family would do for their kids and future generations. The balls on you to call them illegal kids. Like they have a fucking choice. And I’ll keep my pipe tyvm Ted fucking Cruz.
  23. What names? Calling you what you asked to be called? I’m just like you. In appearance and heritage at least. Not lumping you into anything other than what you asked and how you describe yourself. The only one blindly following is you. It’s a big deal because it’s happening in record numbers and being purposely hidden to pull votes like you. Did Obama want to build a wall too? Keep Beto out why? You hate Cruz but will blindly vote for him?
  24. Yes that’s where the maybe not comes in at the end of the post. We both see the patriotic Americans showing up throughout this thread.
  25. It’s bad in that you don’t realize your Mexican American ass is a a couple generations away from being on the other side. You have no empathy. You are happy you get yours while at the same time not realizing you were lucky not to be born at the wrong time. Lucky your kids aren’t in cages. You think you’ve won when in reality no fucks are given about you. They will come for more and when they do it will probably not be you who is paying for it but your kids or grandchildren. So YOU enjoy it while you’re living but know you are shitting on generations to come. Very likely your own. That is unless sanity prevails. Which it will... so congratulations you get to have your cake and eat it too. The rest of society will clean up your pig shit mess. Not that they should bc we are only responsible for taking care of our own family. Give me a fucking break. You live in America a society built on looking out for the next man. Too bad some seem to have forgotten that now.
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