LOLZ at the idea of the majority of millennials becoming anything close to conservative. Conservative millennials will be the overwhelming minority as they are now. Once millennials take over it’s a fast track to overly progressive views only emboldened by Gen Z.
There will be healthcare for all. Education will be a priority as our kids will not go through the same bs we did. Think marijuana is the end? Watch out for psychedelics. After that who knows. Anyone will be able to marry anyone and most will not care. Women will do any job a man does and be better at it. Racism? In case you haven’t noticed sex and the inevitable offspring is prevalent across racial lines. This trend will only continue. Work ethic? Robots will be programmed with a superb work ethic. Young people are moving to cities in record numbers, vacating small towns, and connecting with those around them. The Internet and social media changed the game.