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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. I’d argue the last three instances listed were legit Super Bowl contenders. The Giants won the Super Bowl. We beat GB who then loses in Seattle where the Cowboys had already won in almost dominating fashion earlier in the year. The Hawks then go on to lose by a slim margin to the Pats that year. And as already mentioned itt a healthy Romo is a difference over a rookie Dak in 2017. Who knows what happens that year. Excuses being if a few things happen differently that Romo really had no control over he could have won 1 2 maybe 3 Super Bowls. At least admit we will never know. All while overcoming the organization he played for.
  2. Look I’m not one to make excuses but I’ll make some here. Romo had a somewhat cursed career. Starting with GM Jerry Jones and Head Coach Jason Garrett most of his career. What I would give to go back in time and have Parcells stay. Or hire Andy Reid after getting our asses kicked for years. A fluke fumbled snap against the Seahawks. Romo hit Crayton in the hands on a slant for a game changing possibly winning touchdown against the Super Bowl Champion Giants. Dez caught the fucking football in GB. Watching Blandino this past Sunday talking about a reviewed catch for the Lions... I remained calm but lost my shit in my head. Then the injuries. Finally get Romo an elite oline and RB and he gets hurt. A rookie 4th round QB goes on a winning streak that no doubt a healthy Romo equals and probably exceeds. Thats just of the top of my head. All the other lost seasons in between for various other bs reasons. The man wasn’t perfect but to put the blame solely on him for this teams playoff failures is crazy.
  3. Landed in China for a couple of preseason games. Chinese Mavs/Dirk fans.
  4. It is the Dallas Cowboys. It is Jerry Jones. Never say never.
  5. Dropout

    Planet X

    https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/2/17922984/planet-nine-x-distant-solar-system-object-the-goblin-tg387 This orbit is particularly enticing since it puts TG387 in a select group of distant Solar System objects that all point to the possible existence of Planet X. Right now, there are 14 far-out space rocks that all share similar orbit patterns, suggesting that this planet is out there. Their paths are all super elongated, and they all cluster together in the same area when they approach the Sun. Plus, their orbits are all tilted alike, and they point in the same general direction, as if something big has pushed them into similar places. These objects are the strongest lines of evidence astronomers have for Planet X, and finding a new one that matches this pattern reinforces that idea that this planet is more than just a theory. The idea of Planet X or Nibiru has always intrigued me. Interested to see what you smart assholes think. Is this a crazy conspiracy or something that will be very real real soon?
  6. Answer no advantage. People pin it on he’s going to die. Newsflash anyone can die.
  7. Minimum playoffs. I’m a believer in this team and really think the sky is the limit. Just missing leadership and direction. Also in agreeance regarding Montgomery. I think he’s here at the right time and the right fit for this team. Looking for Janmark to step it up in a big way. I’ll let them skate a few games before I say Stanley Cup... too late. The NHL can be funny like that.
  8. Roster to open the season. https://www.nhl.com/stars/news/dallas-stars-announce-2018-2019-opening-night-roster-arizona-coyotes/c-300563910
  9. When most of the people you work with aren’t worth a shit and have no interest in helping the people of this country... one must find alternate routes. Bernie could have used more of the media last election. He has set himself up as a household name. Name recognition through the roof. It had to happen to give himself a chance the next time around.
  10. Point being Bernie is seemingly always leading the way... right? And I gave Bezos his props.
  11. Bernie the guy who is usually right. The guy who gets shit done if there is even a remote chance of it happening. Shoots fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse. Come on Hugo you can’t hold out much longer...
  12. https://slate.com/business/2018/10/amazon-15-an-hour-bernie-sanders.html Bernie again showing what real leadership looks like. Pushing for a bill that had no chance of getting passed. That wasn’t the point. The point was putting the pressure on these companies and getting the public behind the idea. It worked. The pressure will only mount for other companies to follow suit. Props to Bezos for not being intimidated or getting defensive. Instead the richest man in the world did the right thing. Rewarding his workers who helped get him there.
  13. Averaging 5.8 yards a carry and leading the league in rushing by about 100. My money is on Zeke can’t be stopped unless it’s by his own coaches.
  14. They just have to give Zeke touches. Not worried about any rush defense. I’m worried about the numbnuts calling the plays.
  15. Fuck em. Hook ‘em Earl. See you in Dallas next year.
  16. Agree. Oline seems like they’re getting it together again... that’s before Fred comes back. Just run the ball. Zeke is obviously by far the best player on this team. Ride him til the wheels fall off he’s game. Think the D is decent despite shit safety play. Put in Sterns! Hopefully Richard can figure out how to cover up the holes in the secondary. Still holding out hope for the season.
  17. Only first preseason game against the fucking Beijing Ducks but Luka looks like the real deal. Rare combination of skills. The shot looks good. The range is there. Handles and vision check. Definitely has the size. It all looks like it comes natural to him. I’ll go ahead and say the Mavs sneak into the playoffs.
  18. Football Life Romo is hard to watch. What a waste. Will probably be the last Cowboy jersey I own so safe to say I was on team Romo. Is there any doubt who called and ran that offense during the Garrett years? He literally says he changed the play to end the 49er game when he had broken ribs. Romo was the qb and offensive coordinator the last half of his career. If it wasn’t obvious and known before it is now watching this current abortion of an offense.
  19. I suppose we should be grateful we haven’t been ripped into a million pieces. Avenatti has been waiting for the Twitter wars w DOTUS. Commence the circus.
  20. Must be what crossing a black hole event horizon feels like. Who the fuck knows what’s happening anymore. It’s all new in a scary fascinating kind of way...
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