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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. Second Daniel Tiger... based off Mr. Rogers neighborhood
  2. Now let’s see the same ones so bent out of shape about a coke to the face and a stolen hat put as much effort into either defending or condemning that one year old... Oh right this is where the crickets chime in.
  3. Keep fighting the good fight bt. Especially if you truly are raising white blonde haired blue eyed children. I can only assume you look similar. It’s going to take every sane white person to fix this mess of a country no doubt about it. The feelings of uncomfortable white folks are far more important than the actual lives of the minority in America. Borderline thankful for the Trump presidency finally putting this all front and center.
  4. The baby boomers have always thought Bernie to be insane to the point he’s speaking to empty chairs. Let’s go ahead and group Bernie in with them. That makes sense. He has been ahead of his time. He has proven it over and over again. The comparisons to Trump are just as lazy. His time is now. Ask the millennials they’ll tell you so. Bernie/Warren 2020.
  5. Still trying to give Trump 2020 a few years later. How fucking stupid...
  6. But what if he shot you in the face?
  7. Everything discussed here is why it has to be Bernie/Warren 2020. The progressive movement is real. Warren is great but she doesn’t have the same appeal to the Trump voter that Bernie does for whatever reason. She will gain their trust when things actually start getting better for them. 2024 Warren for President is real. Warren has stated she doesn’t intend to run in 2020. I know she has to say that and probably runs anyway... but it’s also obvious she’s open to working with Sanders. They’ve done videos, events, little town halls etc. together. I don’t know of two politicians who interact like this more often then these two. I think the sole reason she didn’t endorse Bernie in 2016 is the same reason Bernie endorsed Clinton so quickly after getting screwed by the DNC... to prevent Trump for the good of the country.
  8. Herman going for Hawaii too... I hear he’s a witch so who knows!?
  9. Ready to watch Wilder knock someone else out
  10. 1 - A real democrat? Who cares? I don’t think the majority of people do anymore. Is Trump a real republican? Bernie is nothing like Trump. There is no comparison between the two. Their character and substance on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Unrealistic proposals? Why? I bet a big wall between America and Mexico was unrealistic when you first heard it. What is unrealistic anymore? If Trump has proven anything its that anything is possible. Let’s do our best to make good ideas work instead of giving up from the start. Or is that a real democrat thing? 2 - The stink where hundreds of thousands of people were in the streets across the country? The stink of going against the entire DNC? Let’s be honest... Bernie, not a real democrat, came out of nowhere in 2016 and almost beat the anointed one. Only the people were supporting him. This counts for something. Ask Trump. Don’t be idoits and ignore/fight the momentum again. Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump in the 2016 general. Bernie wins the close states Clinton lost in 2016. 3 - “We saw this anti-democratic effort take place in the 2016 election right here in the United States, where we now know that the Russian government was engaged in a massive effort to undermine one of our greatest strengths: The integrity of our elections, and our faith in our own democracy. I found it incredible, by the way, that when the President of the United States spoke before the United Nations on Monday, he did not even mention that outrage. Well, I will. Today I say to Mr. Putin: we will not allow you to undermine American democracy or democracies around the world. In fact, our goal is to not only strengthen American democracy, but to work in solidarity with supporters of democracy around the globe, including in Russia. In the struggle of democracy versus authoritarianism, we intend to win.” “Inequality, corruption, oligarchy and authoritarianism are inseparable,” Mr. Sanders said in a recent address. “Around the world we have witnessed the rise of demagogues who once in power use their positions to loot the state of its resources. These kleptocrats, like Putin in Russia, use divisiveness and abuse as a tool for enriching themselves and those loyal to them.” That’s just a couple of examples. There are more. Words Trump would never even whisper in Ivanka’s ear. I believe Bernie is of the opinion that Russia was anti Clinton in 2016. As long as that didn’t happen it was a success for the Kremlin. Colluding w Trump to steal the election is the icing on the cake. 4 - Bernie has more energy and drive than most. I know I’ve seen you post something something about what society’s should not allow. On this list was ageism. 100% agree. Don’t be a hypocrite. Elect character and substance. One time. There are examples of when Bernie’s ideas and vision was right before everyone else agreed years later. Maybe he has a few more of those ideas in him.
  11. “It's clearly a crisis of two things: of consciousness and conditioning. We have the technological power, the engineering skills to save our planet, to cure disease, to feed the hungry, to end war; But we lack the intellectual vision, the ability to change our minds. We must decondition ourselves from 10,000 years of bad behavior. And it's not easy.” -Terence McKenna
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