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Everything posted by Dropout

  1. Degens always unite. Here’s to you getting it all back.
  2. You know Ana you put me up on the candidate betting markets long ago. I’m a gambler. Sick to my stomach not putting my money where my mouth was when Bernie was at .11 or so.
  3. What is there to say. He fucking sucks. Is this news? I need to come say it everyday? Check in on the thread from time to time when I feel like punishing myself. We are looking to the future. You know something that will actually make a difference. Sorry jw not possible. Don’t let them fool you. Say a few positive words around here and find out. It’s cool tho. They’ll all be Bros soon enough.
  4. Look idk who this old fuck is but maybe some of you old fucks who are struggling with these circumstances do. Thanks Dick.
  5. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/11/hidden-author-putinism-russia-vladislav-surkov/382489/ The brilliance of this new type of authoritarianism is that instead of simply oppressing opposition, as had been the case with 20th-century strains, it climbs inside all ideologies and movements, exploiting and rendering them absurd. One moment Surkov would fund civic forums and human-rights NGOs, the next he would quietly support nationalist movements that accuse the NGOs of being tools of the West. With a flourish he sponsored lavish arts festivals for the most provocative modern artists in Moscow, then supported Orthodox fundamentalists, dressed all in black and carrying crosses, who in turn attacked the modern-art exhibitions. The Kremlin’s idea is to own all forms of political discourse, to not let any independent movements develop outside of its walls. Its Moscow can feel like an oligarchy in the morning and a democracy in the afternoon, a monarchy for dinner and a totalitarian state by bedtime.
  6. I like Tyson but Wilder knocks him out. Maybe opens that cut back up while he’s at it. BOMBBB SQUADDDDD
  7. He wanted a brokered convention to ask for some changes within the party. Like no superdelegates on the first ballot. Otherwise he’d be behind 500 delegates right now and everyone would say look Bernie has no shot. Then voters would actually think that. He never said or insinuated that the person that lost the actual vote should be the nominee. This is what everyone on that stage agreed to at the last debate tho. Not trying to tell you what you’re equating. I simply believe there is a significant difference.
  8. No bud not me. I have my preferences but really do not care too much. Sorry to disappoint. Just returning the favor I suppose. Enjoy your weekend as well.
  9. Should you go to a brokered convention if no one has a majority? Should the person with the most delegates be the nominee? Is this the same question? Yes I’m a Bro. We doxx. Brisket is Chris Matthews everyone.
  10. Just say you dgaf if it gives your guy a shot. Save us both some time.
  11. Why support someone that would rather take a shit on everyone’s vote? Isn’t a vote the foundation of this country?
  12. When Pete goes on stage and says the person with the most votes and delegates shouldn’t necessarily be the nominee.
  13. It won’t be close Chris. We all know that. The candidates know that. Does a runoff election in America usually involve another vote from the people? Any poll that shows a head to head shows Bernie winning. You need a stat class? This has been covered Chris. There are 6 plus people still running. It would be pretty difficult for anyone to get the majority. Hence why none of them are trying to drop out. It would be unprecedented for the leader in votes and delegates to not be the nominee. Provide me an example. So you choose to ignore it. I don’t blame you Henry. The position is pretty indefensible. I’ll let one of the OG Bros explain. He was for a brokered convention yes. At no point did he say the person with the most votes and delegates shouldn’t be the nominee. Stop equating these two things. Go to the convention make a deal do what you gotta do to be happy. Don’t steal an election.
  14. Everywhere Henry. Bernie supporters everywhere had to defend our fuck Bloomberg position. Surly included from more than one person. But while I have you... care to address why you support someone who doesn’t support democracy? No one else has so I’d understand if you wanted to ignore it too.
  15. You have a funny way of showing your support. You’ve stated multiple times you’d support Bernie if he wins. He will. Yet you’re bitching about it every chance you get. Not a positive word to be found. If he doesn’t get the nomination it’s bc the DNC stole it from him. He will get the most votes and delegates and it won’t be close. Blame the Bros all you like but that’s bullshit if you’d care to see it. You had every candidate on that stage except Bernie willing to steal an election in plain sight. Not a peep from anyone. Yet you wonder why Bernie or bust is a thing. You wonder why his support is so passionate. The next time I open the voter suppression thread I’ll try not to vomit. Complaining about Russians, the electoral college, gerrymandering etc. All that pales in comparison to what happened on that debate stage. The most blatant form of voter suppression would be nullifying every state that has voted, the majority in favor of Sanders. Every vote cast would be rendered meaningless and everyone is supposed to be prepared to accept that. Such an obvious attempt at a power grab from all involved. Yet no one supporting another candidate cares. So excuse the Bros if we are prepared to do whatever we have to. We will. Y’all sure like slippery slopes. Wish I could go back and read all that conservative garbage y’all used to spew. Not seeing where it would lead. Fuck when Bloomberg announced there was a goddamn center moderate circle jerk. Not seeing where it would lead. By all means go along with your center moderate positions of fuck democracy. Maybe you can get your way. Be sure you bring your ski gear. But yes it’s the Bros fault. We are the ones crying. Have you watched the msm? You sound like a Chris Matthews. We won Brisket. Get over it and support the nominee or stfu about it bc your support fucking sucks.
  16. Not letting this shit go. Especially after it got called a shitty take and it seems to be getting brushed over by the msm. Stated it was my only takeaway from last night in the debate thread. Just nonchalantly throwing around stealing elections. Outrageous. Why should the person with the most delegates not get the nomination? If you support another candidate besides Bernie why do you feel it’s ok for the few to circumvent the will of the people? Kyle always brings the ether and seems to be able to expound and explain with ease so I’ll leave this here. Don’t disappoint me surly.
  17. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/sen-bernie-sanders-to-hold-weekend-rally-in-downtown-austin/ Bernie is coming for Texas. He will be in San Antonio and El Paso this Saturday. In Austin at Auditorium Shores on Sunday for what will surely be an epic gathering. Missed the Mesquite one bc of the day it fell on. The trip down to Austin may be just the thing to make up for that.
  18. Also a thing a Bernie Bro would say. You’ll fit right in.
  19. Near a tipping point with other politicians. Not saying any of these fine folks are doing such a thing, but the politically expedient thing to do these days may be to endorse Bernie Sanders. Good times.
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