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  1. This is going to be sooo good!
  2. On one hand this is a terrible season, but on the other....no Paul Abrahamian.
  3. That grift is mostly spoken for, but a light rail opens up a new world of corruption for a shit ton of people, which opens up a lot of other concerted corruption based on relationships made while pushing the rail. A number of people could easily become mega wealthy from rail funds without the rail ever being finished. This has little to do with whether or not Austin needs a poorly planned rail.
  4. We only shop at grocery stores not effected by the plastic bag ban. When done with the bags we drive them into town and dispose of them under freeway overpasses because we’re responsible human beings and prefer to go with the flow.
  5. We checked out an EVO theater last night for the hell of it. I walked away feeling pretty bad for the employees on up the chain. That place is huge...and definitely going to have a hard time surviving this mess. I’m reasonably sure that we were the only customers in the entire building between 6:30 - 8:15. Pretty depressing atmosphere in general. The experience reminded me of a scene in an old Charlton Heston flick called the Omega Man.
  6. No big deal. The guy just should have worded it better. Pure fucking bullshit.
  7. This of course can’t be emphasized enough.
  8. I get the feeling that 2020 is going to be a good year for the “War on Christmas”. 2020ed is the new “Munsoned”. Trump just got 2020ed AND Munsoned. Quite a feat imo.
  9. One day people will look back and declare- “You know...that Subway grub probably wasn’t too bad compared to this Soylent Green.”
  10. I hate that shit!
  11. Whatever happened to Linux from HF?
  12. The rug really ties the place together.
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