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Everything posted by Texas_Rocks

  1. That woman has definitely thrown hands before.
  2. lol! Standard “Made in China” warning should do it.
  3. lol! One of the news channels interviewed one of the overpass inhabitants and the guy cheerfully declared that they liked the the cleanup because it was like having “free trash service”.
  4. ...before he gets his face tattooed.
  5. The future...
  6. I almost died just thinking about taking all that shit at one time. “a mixture or substance containing a detectable amount of Alprazolam, Oxycodone, Amphetamine Adderall, Cocaine and Fentanyl.“
  7. The way he baited that man... Yeah, it wouldn’t bother me if that cop was beaten to death before he beats someone else to death while protecting the community.
  8. I was about to say “LA? No f’ing way!”...until you mentioned Chicago.
  9. I don’t know, but the Astros look more worried than pumped for a comeback. Of course the Nats also looked that way before this turn of events.
  10. I don’t know, but the Astros look more worried than pumped for a comeback. Of course the Nats also looked that way before this turn of events.
  11. I imagine that they’ll be in short supply in a day or two. Total jelly here.
  12. Not really digging the price, but I’ve been waiting for this and will definitely be shelving my much loved 1st generation AirPods shortly. Those have legitimately been one of the best tech items that I’ve purchased in awhile.
  13. That reminds of the bit George Carlin did on Richard Pryor. “See, it happened like this. First Richard had a heart attack. Then I had a heart attack. Then Richard burned himself up. And I said, 'Fuck that. I'm having another heart attack!”
  14. Whoever was holding that guy’s beer must feel horrible for not suggesting that they take the baby instead.
  15. This stop was probably not as random as the police would like the usual stooges to believe.
  16. WTF, man?!? Logical reasoning will not be tolerated here. :-)
  17. Many of the predictions in this thread have missed the boat. [emoji41]
  18. Nah...there’s a lot of money to be made off of ruining Barton Springs too. That’s going to take a lot of equipment and contractor manpower. Adler and Co have already established that they’ll do anything for wealth. There will be plenty of taxpayer dollars for skimming and kickbacks. Keep in mind that Ohioan Adler is going to get the hell out of Austin proper as soon as he’s out of office. He doesn’t give a flying fuck for Austin outside of the money made from his family’s crookery.
  19. There will be a sharp increase in homeless polluting that creek before something like this actually happens. We’re the ultimate destination in Texas right now.
  20. It’s really about time to bite the bullet and request a move the Division 2 ball.
  21. I’m sure the coaching sucks too, because we’re Texas. But holy hell it’s pretty obvious that we can no longer draw the necessary talent to consistently compete in general. Probably because the best players are marketing themselves for NFL play. Texas is where players go to watch their NFL dreams die.
  22. “Longhorn nation! We’rrre baaack!” Yeah we are...right back to mediocrity in record time.
  23. Has there been a definitive reason for this petition? I haven’t been paying attention and heard a rumor that it really wasn’t about the homeless situation. Something about a future soccer stadium or some such. Again, have not paid a lot of attention to this development in general. Personal Stance: I don’t care why as long as there’s chance that reckless and greedy Adler & Co are tossed out.
  24. lol! Too late. Daily Texan turned into “CR Lite” a couple of years ago.
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