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Everything posted by Texas_Rocks

  1. I don’t know about the size of the patties, but the somewhat consistently cold and soggy fries caked in salt always perplexed me.
  2. Yes! There’s obviously a big difference between “taking control” of the situation and “completely losing control of yourself” in the situation. Those cops were completely out of their minds and dangerously close to pushing everything over the edge. Superior shows up and “defuses” the situation and everyone goes about their merry way. Except that this family was likely released in a state of trauma that didn’t just wear off after a few minutes. The cops on the other hand were no doubt over it and out looking for the next victim to lose their shit on. Edit: And kids are fucking sponges. Anyone want to guess how that four year old will feel when he sees a uniformed cop from now on?
  3. You gotta admit that the DR official and the billionaire hotel owner claiming that these deaths were simply due to Americans being lightweight drinkers an overindulging was pure gold. Some of the shit they’re pulling with the bodies and family members that want answers is uphauling to say the least.
  4. IMO mentally unstable cowards with anger issues should be in therapy...not driving around in squad cars and waiving their firearms all over the place out of fear. Cowards + Power/Guns is a terrible combination. That video is a PERFECT example of how cops often put themselves in position to shoot someone as they themselves continually escalate the situation to the point of what we just watched in that video. Both cops should be fired, and everyone in the policed union should be loaded up on a barge and dumped into the ocean with cement boots.
  5. Smart poison? Only affects Americans?
  6. Check this out. The wife has heart of gold and frequently offers a hand to those with lost dogs and etc. Long story to somewhat shorter story- We end up riding over to the east side Animal shelter to help this homeless guy get his “lost” dog back before giving him a ride back to their spot behind the HEB at Slaughter and I-35. The dude had a $4000+ Specialized bike. Two days later she notices that the guy’s dog is at the shelter again. Pretty obvious how he got the bike, but I wondered if this guy and his crew were actually using this dog to make contact with generous people.
  7. Are these resorts pretty much only frequented by Americans? I haven’t heard any reports of non Americans dying at these resorts in any similar way.
  8. I remember when I used to be in awe of Dallas. Now with pretty much everyone from around the world either moving to the Austin area, or dreaming of of it, I rarely think of Dallas anymore. The fact that my Cowboys have become a perennially failure probably has something to do with that too.
  9. The inhumanity of it all... But seriously...that sounds like a great idea.
  10. lol, HG. I’ve been watching Animal Kingdom too since season one. The fusion between Point Break, Fast and the Furious, and GTA-5 is a guilty pleasure. I’m consistently amazed that it hasn’t been canceled yet. Lived in a beech community for 9 years and a couple of those characters actually remind me of some of the guys from back then...without all of the grand larceny.
  11. 97 year old Tom Rice repeating his jump 75 years later was amazing.
  12. I won’t be seeing this at the theater, but I’ll be pretty pumped on some Fri or Sat night when it premiers on HBO or whatever.
  13. A lot of soldiers left Amerasian children in Vietnam and Thailand when they either died or finished their tour.
  14. Just awesome all the way around. A lot of WWII legit heroes have passed away after decades of living next to neighbors that are clueless to their service. A lot of incredible untold acts of heroism and etc have been taken to the grave. The old breed indeed.
  15. Have the retro claimed anymore football titles lately?
  16. Years ago I pulled up to a railroad crossing where a train was stopped as a result of a fatality several yards up the rail. Cops were discouraging drivers from exiting there cars to go take a look. A few people circumvented the cops and took up a high position that afforded a view of the carnage. From my car I could clearly see a couple of them starting to puke almost immediately. People...
  17. I bet they were pretty hyped when imagining the 17 vs 1 can of whip ass they were about to open. That shit obviously did not go as planned. Who the fuck is parenting the losers?
  18. Nine years ago I posted a video on TOS of this little guy frolicking in the pool with two of the neighbor’s labs. Shoulder problem popped up overnight and we immediately took him to the vet. The Big C! The family is absolutely heartbroken. We hospice a lot of rescue dogs that are on their last leg for various reasons and sometime suffer through two or three losses in as many months. They’re all painful because we just get so close to them so quickly, but we got Colt as a puppy and the memories from puppy to now just makes it so much harder.
  19. But will it make every other bomb obsolete? And can I get 2 for the price of 1 if I call now?
  20. Give the flight attendant a break, they’ve been convinced that they’re unofficial agents for Homeland Defense. Kidding about the “break”, but not about the latter.
  21. Why not remake THE BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER KWAI with Tom Cruise? I mean, let’s just go ahead and take a huge dump on all of the 4 star classics.
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