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Everything posted by Texas_Rocks

  1. KFC needs to pay close attention to this franchise owner’s business model and adapt.
  2. APD is a “do the bare minimum” department. Sitting on your ass Or Directing traffic That’s an easy decision for most cops, but especially APD cops.
  3. Those are just the holdouts. The rest of the tribe has already moved to Austin.
  4. I’ll definitely be expecting a spoiler update on tonight’s comp.
  5. Sam is obviously a wolf in sheeps clothing. I don’t believe that I’ve ever seen anyone on BB that is as demanding as she is. She’s really a bully in general. I really started to realize this during the post leaning challenge when she was screaming at whoever was up there with her to get off so she could win. That whole “pinky swear” bullshit she was trying to pull on the “moron” was off putting as fuck. Really looking forward to her eviction. Not at all surprised that she’s living in a small mobile trailer in her mom’s yard.
  6. When it comes to re-watchable movies Redford is right there at the top with me. Watched The Great Waldo Pepper for the umpteenth time last week. Damn good flick. Must have been awesome seeing those old biplanes floating around the Texas sky during the filming. The making of that flick is a pretty good read on its own.
  7. I simply could not fathom why he would just sit there stone faced while the “moron” tried to engage him on the subject. I kept waiting for Scottie to profusely tell the “moron” that Brett was full of shit. Looks like he just shuts down mentally when being confronted in any manner. He’s one of those players where getting booted to the jury house is merciful. He has no shot at winning...and a few more days in the BB house will most likely result in a famous “Scottie crying” gif.
  8. It’s basically a mixture of SoA, Point Break, GTA-5, The Fast And Furious...and Brokeback Mountain. The heists are really right out of GTA-5. As for the credibility- Pope wrecked is truck into a lady last night and then threatened to assault her. He just walks away from the scene and shows up at the pad with no police in tow. I think the brothers were also able to intimidate some cartel guys into avoiding their turf a few weeks back. I kind of enjoy the show, but plausibility is of no concern to the producers.
  9. I’m confused. Angela’s itty bitties are fake?
  10. Got about 75$ worth out of a brief shower out here in the 71 west area. Every little bit helps as I try to convince my yard to hang in there just a little longer.
  11. lol! Yeah, I’ve done the whole search the neighborhood on a hot mid summer night deal with the same result. The emotional weight lifted off the shoulders when finding the pooch safe at home was immeasurable.
  12. I would be interested to hear where the neighbor was aiming.
  13. Yeah, I can’t imagine that little dude being able to make it far in this heat. One of our little dogs occasionally hides out in our fenced front yard somewhere when he doesn’t want to come in. I pretty much know every square inch of that yard from maintaining it, but I still can’t find his hiding spot. He just eventually shows up barking at the door later.
  14. I think that was the first time I watched a “live” stunt and actually thought that a guy was about to kill himself.
  15. When I was about 10 I popped a Black Cat firecracker in the open palm of my hand to prove how tough I was. Never flinched...but it hurt like hell and I secretly regretted it for a few hours.
  16. Yeah fessie is going to catch a lot of shit from his friends when he gets out of the jury house. He’s totally clueless.
  17. While fucking it all up, we humans have at the same time severely overestimated our importance to this planet.
  18. Last night three of them were wearing Swaggy C tees at the same time. What! The! Fuck! And I really hadn’t been paying much attention to JC’s game, but Derka wasn’t bullshitting. I guess last night was the first time that the producers really showed JC pulling the strings. He’s a devious little character and really enjoys the roll.
  19. It’ll be nice when the tech geniuses of the world figure this all out. Takes awhile to iron out all the kinks with new technology. Wait a fucking second! Tapa’s not new. Shaggy lightning in a bottle nowhere to be found on this new forum.
  20. “You think it’s hot outside? Hell’s a lot hotter!” lol! Saw that on a sign outside of a small church.
  21. I think Brett’s downfall will be not having a crew to stooge with until the late stages, otherwise his BB skills(deception and lies) are up there with the best. Hated him at first. Now I’m team Brett all the way.
  22. I read that Dallas was chosen for Robocop because it had the most futuristic looking skyline in America at the time. Pretty amazing.
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