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Everything posted by Texas_Rocks

  1. Seems like I remember hearing that laws were eventually instated where breaks were mandatory to keep people from pissing and shitting all over themselves. Urban legend?
  2. The father of an ex-UT golfer friend of mine mistakenly hit up on a group of drunk college kids. No one was hit but one of the kids felt really disrespected and decided to act. As my friend’s father was apologizing the kid wacked him in the temple with an iron. The old man almost died. The college kids hauled ass out of there and were never identified.
  3. Can I get an Appt? I hurt my back watching TV.
  4. CSB time. When in H.S. a friend’s dad owned the DQ across the street from the campus. We used to go in there all the time in the late hours and eat all kinds of food. We would take the trinket vending machine and turn it upside down and shake it real hard until all the quarters came out, which we used on the video games. There were a few instances when cops would roll up thinking they had a burglary in process. Good times. The dude also used to give me these half gallon cans of the queso that DQ used. I loved that crap.
  5. He was just getting the crew fired up for the long walk out.
  6. Not the best plot, but we watched Valarian a couple of weeks ago and imo it’s legit eye candy for the buzzed. Total trip.
  7. I wouldn’t worry about it too much because it’s almost like the movie and the series tell two entirely different stories. IMO the series is probably better as a result of the producers taking more liberty with whatever facts there are. There’s just a lot more to the series in general.
  8. I’d like to see someone startup a new stainless cup Co called YEREN just to see what YETI does.
  9. Tragic. Many people predicted that something like this would happen. Adults should not be using clueless middle schoolers as pawns in their personal off/on campus war against whatever the fuck.
  10. I would hate to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when those bullets come down.
  11. Visited some in-laws in Houston a couple of months ago and they had the Hannity show on. He was doing a monolog(ranting) on the “deep state” and the “double” standard involved with HRC scandal and etc. A couple months later we visit them again. I walk in and they had the Hannity show on. He was doing a monolog(ranting) on the “deep state” and the “double” standard involved with HRC scandal and etc. It was a legit déjà vu moment. I honestly don’t know how anyone can watch the repetitive bullshit that Fox and CNN churns out day after day.
  12. If anyone knows when it’s time to fold it’s Kenny fucking Rogers.
  13. He does have a glaring habit of trying to display an unquestionable attitude of integrity while actually showing almost no integrity at all. He should definitely run for public office somewhere.
  14. How does she move herself from point A to point B. She looks highly immobile unless using a disability scooter.
  15. We need to eventually ban cotton, produce, and lot of other things for the same reason. Let’s be reasonable here.
  16. You’re missing the point. Mueller’s probe will be active as long as Trump is in office.
  17. The odds of him facing actual criminal charges are incredibly low.
  18. Interesting. The people at the suicide line were not happy that their lines got swamped with calls as a result of her selfish bullshit. Hotline supervisor chastised her on either her facebook page or now private tweet account.
  19. Considering that this is in California I seriously doubt that she’ll lose her job. The protest against her dismissal would likely cause the powers to buckle substantially. I think she comes out of this unscathed with her “we don’t give a fuck about anyone but ourselves” crowd. They are no doubt consoling her right now for having to take leave as a result of being “unfairly harassed!” She is a seriously despicable human being.
  20. I believe that those reports were incorrect. Everything I’ve read since then indicates that your brief assessment is more accurate. This morning a passenger that performed CPR on the now deceased passenger said that she had severe trauma to her head, arms, snd torso. She also stated that the woman was still strapped in her seat belt. Another passenger followed up with the same account. Neither indicated that she had been struck by engine debris. We may eventually find out otherwise, but right now it looks like the debris just popped the window and she was instantly sucked out and severely traumatized. Regardless, this is an absolute nightmare situation.
  21. There were a few early reports that she was struck with shrapnel, but most of the seven or eight articles I just checked out pretty much all look something like this.
  22. Authority first, ask questions later.
  23. I won’t argue with that, but there are times when I’m actually not playing golf out in the hot sun. And yes, for those occasions I sometimes do appreciate a comfortable cotton shirt.
  24. New neighbor is an engineer that has been working three weeks a month to restore utilities in Puerto Rico since the disaster. From what I gather the local government there is highly corrupt and damn near impossible to deal with in a logical manner. Kind of like here, but cubed.
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