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Everything posted by Texas_Rocks

  1. I took a break from Chinese Sate Sanctioned Virus news for couple of day. Question: What’s going on with Coumo? Has he been named the official spokesman for this issue in general. I haven’t been able to get this guy off of any of the news networks for two days it seems like. Every time I tune in for info, it just this guy rambling on and on.
  2. On the day SXSW was canceled/postponed, some poster requested that members throw some business toward a surf & turf restaurant owner buddy that relied on the event to keep afloat. He had expanded to three locations. Any news on that cat’s business? Poor guy REALLY has to be feeling it right now. Means little in times like this, but I sincerely feel terrible for you guys/girls that have been trying to build something that also creates career opportunities for fellow Americans too. That is not easily done in the best of circumstances. While not big on government intervention in general, I really hope they produce some emergency measures that shield small business from collapsing due to a myriad of inevitable economic blows associated with COVID-19. I’ve seen a lot of shit in my life time, but I’ve never seen anything quite like this. Watching it all unfold in a mass flood of digital media is fascinating and overwhelming at the same time. Anyway, I truly hope the best for you small business operators. Same goes for everyone that relies on normalcy in life to have a life.
  3. The wife and I made a run to the HEB across from the Hill Country Galleria. Place was pretty wiped out, but the hoarding zombies were still in force. I went in for beer and left happy. Saw Sergio Garcia and his wife in one of the bare frozen goods isles. I kid you not when I tell you that he had the same look on his face that he gets when he’s going backwards on the course. In his defense there were a lot of people with the same bewildered look, but I was amused a bit.
  4. Last night my niece was telling me about a thread on some college board where people are trying to help others that are looking to take advantage of their extended break by traveling abroad. Getting to a lot of the places that they want to go to is apparently the only hurdle they’re concerned with. Several people wanted to travel to Italy. THAT SHIT IS NOT A JOKE. The only explanation I can come up with is that these kids do everything humanly possible to avoid all news sources in general.
  5. lol! I have no doubt that the “working from home” issue is going to result in a few divorces. The “cause and effect” theory is going to be wide reaching.
  6. This is all going to get really ugly if the Zombie Apocalypse hits us at the same time. I just hope I don’t have to expend all my ammo in procuring toilet paper.
  7. I’m trying to wrap my mind around that level of inefficiency at this point in time. I think that I’m on the tail end of whatever I came down with, but holy shit it was bad. Went a little over 72 hours without a bite to eat. Thank god for simple water.
  8. No doubt. I’ve been taking small sip after sip of water. It’s weird, my throat just clamps up as soon as I get water in my mouth.
  9. Over the last few days I’ve read hundreds of posters on the internet indicate that the small number of fatalities is acceptable over shutting down SXSW. An absolute ton of people simply don’t care about anyone but themselves. I can understand non symptomatic carriers unknowingly going about their day without knowing shit. But there are a ton people out there with the “Fuck it! I’m already sick and not feeling too bad. I’m gonna go see a movie” attitude. I have come down with something in the last three days and won’t be going anywhere for awhile. Haven’t had a single bite to eat in well over 48 hours. Whatever it is, it’s definitely something I’m not familiar with. Fucking fever at 102.8 and a throat as dry as the Sahara desert. Drinking water is no cakewalk either, but I’m trying.
  10. While the number of naysayers is relatively minute, Holiday Inn still must have been busy as fuck the last couple of weeks.
  11. Duplicate post
  12. wtf4
  13. lol! Adler is going straight to a gated community somewhere other than inside the city of Austin when this term is up. Austin politics/corruption has been extremely profitable for that cat.
  14. Adler and his crew of CC thieves will be pretty excited about the multiple kickbacks from the purchase of the property as well. Also don’t forget the multiple kickbacks that will be coming from every company being massively overpaid to renovate the property. This is going to be a another big winner for scam artists like Adler. The stooge voters in Austin are no match against this crook, and he’s fully aware of that.
  15. Not cool, HBO. Not cool at all.
  16. That car holds multiple NASCAR victories between 1975-2019. They made the trophies to prove it.
  17. One thing for sure... COVID-19 talk not going away for a long time.
  18. I suggest that they use a small drone to drag a small banner over the next robotic comp that reads- “Coach is not our standard”.
  19. I find it hard to believe that the “stay home when sick” plan will help much for a ton of American business that constantly run light on employees. A lot of low level supervisors will no doubt risk it all to not be short a single worker.
  20. In another forum some cat claimed it more likely that the homeless guy disarmed the restaurant manager and then shot him with his own gun...because the homeless generally don’t have access to guns. Insanity.
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