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Everything posted by AustinHorn

  1. I’ll say it again: Derrick Henry is a load!
  2. Nonersgoing tochip it bit by bit to the EZ
  3. Garrett shoving Cooper ... so hip, so cool 😎
  4. If Dobbins is injured, that’s all she wrote for Ohigher State
  5. Lot of fans came disguised as empty seats.
  6. Lashlee? Sideways passes? Nah.
  7. Yang’s one of them. Hard for any other panelist to effectively follow him on China
  8. At his age, one hopes there are stroke-trained medics nearby Bernie
  9. Bernie gets hot with the lady insisting he answer the question asked, not go back to another topic.
  10. Steyer gonna go toe to toe with Trump onthe economy?
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