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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. 6 minutes ago, Art Vandelay said:

    Great job by Beto in that interview.

    I couldn't believe the amount of negative comments on Willie's FB page about the free concert for Beto. Like 98% negative. Comments like "I'm done with Willie! I won't support that socialist commie Beto !@#$!!".....WTF. I know Russian Bots come in all ages and stripes, but that is disappointing.


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  2. By my math, if the Braves go .500 (8-8) the rest of the way, the Phillies would have to go 16-1.

    If the Braves go  5-11, the Phils would have to go 13-4.  Even at 0-16, the Phils would need to win 8 of the last 17.

    I think it is pretty much in the bag.

  3. 14 hours ago, Goredho said:

    Based on a trend for physically gifted players that don’t develop here but who blossom under an NFL coaching staff.

    I would argue that CJ isn't any more gifted than Limas Sweed and much less productive in college.

    Sweed ended his NFL career with 7 catches for 69 yards and 0 TDs.

  4. 36 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Has the Orange Turd been to Thailand yet? Because he’d probably be inspired and decree for official portraits of him and Melanja to be everywhere in public. 

    If there are ladyboys then that cuck has been there...

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  5. 11 minutes ago, TonyTexas said:

    As I said in the NFL Offseason thread, if I were a non QB player, I might support a salary cap on the QB position. 20% of the current salary cap to 1 player is extreme, particularly in a sport with a 53 man roster.


    Perhaps you missed the games where Rodgers was hurt last year. 

  6. On 8/21/2018 at 5:31 AM, Anastasis said:

    The most shocking aspect of that situation is that running a sex workshop in Thailand is illegal. 

    Lot’s of things are illegal in Thailand. 2 weeks ago I was getting interviewed for a local paper and learned that I couldn’t be photographed holding a wine glass. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Grandioso said:

    Reminder: Sixty MILLION people walked into a voting booth, saw the name "Donald J. Trump" and went THIS IS TOTALLY THE RIGHT MAN TO LEAD THE FREE WORLD.

    There are more than 60 million fucking idiots in the US.

  8. 7 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Trump: Can't tell if he's lying or not about anything he says



    Yes you can... If he is speaking, he is generally lying. If he is tweeting, he is generally lying.

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