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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. 6 minutes ago, Smax said:

    Once again where was the outrage from you, the left and media about all this 4 years ago?

    I dont recall a thread on this subject shaggy

    We couldn’t predict the future. It wasn’t happening then...

  2. The WW2 good/evil thing is alternate history. The British got involved (finally) because Germany invaded Poland. At at end of the war was Poland “free”? No, it suffered another 40 years under a different kind of crushing oppression. Same for the Balkan states and even half of Germany. I would imagine that the average Berliner in 1955 would say thier life was much better in 1935  

    Evil did win WW2, it just ran out of money for a few years giving some people hope before they were crushed again. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Well I guess we can just agree to disagree then. I am an optimist though I’ll admit. If Trump wins again in 2020, which will not happen but if it does, its the end of this Country as we know it. Danny escaped in the end.

    I am in North Texas at my wife’s parents house. They are in their late 70’s, early 80’s. They have gone away from Fox News because it’s too liberal. They now get thier “news” from One America News. It’s one step left of Alex Jones. 

    They seriously think that Trump is the 2nd coming of Jesus. There is no winning against against that. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Wrong. The Republican Party is now 25 percent of the country, of which 55 percent of these scum support the president’s policy of ripping away kids from their parents. That’s about 14 percent of the country which is completely irredeemable. We can live with that. Hell put those fucks in camps if they choose to rebel in favor of their orange god, which they no doubt wont bother to do so as they are ultimately spineless. Too busy either counting their millions or snorting their meth.  

    If Trump ran tomorrow he would win. You don’t know how far the evil has spread. There is a reason the prince of lies is always the one to be feared. 

  5. On 6/11/2018 at 4:48 PM, bernorange said:


    Did Fastbreak from the old site make it over here?  Surprised he hasn't popped in on this thread.  IIRC, he did some work on the development of S&B.

    I am at e3 right now. Skull and Bones is definitely  surprising a lot of people. We took home the gamespot best of e3 award yesterday. 

    I’ve been doing lots of live tweets from the show at #skullandbones.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Chapo said:

    I was just reminded that the Mavs helped GSW get KD by taking in Bogut's contract. Because........they needed a center 😆

    Reminds me of playing Monopoly and you have that one person that gives up the first color monopoly because he wanted the second utility (Bogut wasn't even that).

    Cuban was too busy playing grab ass with team secretaries. He had no time to think about basketball. 

    • Like 1
  7. I was only there for 4 days - 3.5 hr flight from Singapore.  We did a day in Wilpattu National Park and the rest just hanging out in Colombo. I’ll go back when I’m not short for time. Interesting place :)

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