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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fastbreak

  1. I remember when George Soros was telling people to fuck off. Those were the good old days
  2. It would be pretty sweet to have that 10k in your pocket instead giving it to a rich fuck.
  3. I’m Shocked! There is no way they could have foreseen this!
  4. I would cut 14 Jimmy Johnson style. Don’t even let him go in the locker room. Make him walk to the parking lot in his uniform.
  5. How much money does 14 have on the bengals?
  6. Terrible day and week in New Orleans.
  7. This trade works financially. BRK gets: Wiggins 2027 GS 1st 2029 MIA 1st GS gets: Jimmy Butler MIA gets: Kuminga Cam Johnson Moody Anderson BRK swaps Cam for Wigs and gets 2 first round picks for their trouble. GS gets Jimmy MIA reloads and could throw out a lineup of Herro, Moody, Cam, Kuminga and Bam.
  8. I was hearing the Griz trading for him. The package was Smart, Clarke, Aldama and Kennard. Why would the Heat do that? Then the Warriors was like Wiggins, Kumminga, Looney and Anderson. I guess that Kumminga is something, but you have to pay him and Wigs still has 3 years left. So you basically lose cap flexibility. I just don’t see a trade unless it’s a wild 3/4 teamer, but even then it’s rough.
  9. There are just so few teams would could trade 50 million away to get Jimmy and then the package would have to be something Miami would want.
  10. How the fuck do they know? I am on a 5 day losing streak on shit just like this.
  11. They probably wouldn’t have been a woman. And definitely would not have been black. So perfect.
  12. Why do we have like 15 coaches now? Last game, there were 9 guys in white shirts and 6 in orange shirts on or behind the bench. Penders usually ran with 2 guys, Barnes with 3. Why the huge inflation these days?
  13. Just 3 weeks ago they were calling for Day’s head
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