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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fastbreak

  1. Sixers need to play almost .600 ball for the rest of the season to finish at .500. They are cooked. Is Morey’s head on the block?
  2. Item cost $100 at Wal*Mart. US puts $50 tariff on item. Item gets cheaper. it's simple math.... === Real result that will happen Item cost $100 at Wal*Mart. US puts $50 tariff on item. People mad that item is now $150 China opens company in US, outsources item manufacture to non tariff country. Company undercuts $150 item by selling it for $125 Trump celebrates victory and price cut!
  3. Ayton with another DNP. With his contract he is pretty much untradeable. If I was POR, I would just consider releasing him on a buyout. He has no part of their future and is just taking up space.
  4. His audience was the "libs". Then he decided to own the libs. Now he has zero audience. Was pretty solid business plan.
  5. I'll take the W
  6. Golden is such a bad ass
  7. Do we have a completion this half?
  8. I deleted my accounts months ago. I would rather not have shamsBombs a few minutes early that to give musk 1 cent of revenue.
  9. Don't forget all the ones who were convicted of crimes.
  10. Previous coach that Giannis got fired was 31-12 with a solid 2 seed. Things have been pretty shit since then and now they are heading for the lottery with the chance they don’t get their pick. It’s why you don’t let players run the team.
  11. Trump draft executive order would set up board to oust generals en masse: Report https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4987537-trump-draft-executive-order-would-set-up-board-to-oust-generals-report/ Problem solved!
  12. And that went pretty well…
  13. A 35% increase in games missed to injuries this year over last. Ratings down 14-38% (depending on the broadcaster). Not a good time for the nba right now
  14. Clearances and approvals aren’t going to matter. When Trump doesn’t get this way he is just going to ignore the rules.
  15. Deandre Ayton watch 3 straight games with no free throws attempted. 4 straight with no free throws made. 8 free throws taken in 11 games.
  16. There is no worse of a candidate that could be run. And he fucking won bigly. The reality is we are fucked for at least 50 years.
  17. Now the thunder don’t have a center
  18. Homan joined the Heritage Foundation in February 2022 and became a contributor to its Project 2025, which proposes mass arrests, detentions and deportations of undocumented immigrants across the nation.
  19. getting the band back together!
  20. It's almost as if it was rigged...
  21. The Cavs also really seem to like playing with each other. I know it's easier to be happy when winning, but they were really pumping each other up in the BRK game.
  22. The NBA needs a few more stars injured. I only have 8 of my 13 man fantasy team out.
  23. Stockton and Hornecek my man...
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