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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. I’m ready to drop all the people who use “the border” as some kind of hot potato in Mexico without passports and see how many could get back (I would also bet that most of these cocksuckers don’t have passports and have never left the bumfuck town they are in).

    I bet the ratio is like 9999/10000 of these idiots would be stuck on the south side bitching how mean America is.

    It’s fucking hard to cross the border illegally. They aren’t just waving people through.

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  2. It’s OKC.  Supposedly, Clippers throwing in the 2026 pick which OKC.  That’s a tasty pick so I’m curious what OKC gets.

    Maybe it is removing the swap rights to make it just the Clippers first with a swap on a future pick.
  3. Anthony Davis has got to be the clumsiest motherfucker to ever play basketball.

    He literally falls down 5/6 times a game. Usually there is a 10% chance he gets hurt with each fall.
  4. Nothing wrong with what Lincoln is saying. I said the same thing during Mack’s time. So what if we get the #1 guard in Texas if he is the 35th best in the nation. I’d rather get the #1 guy from Maine.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 8 hours ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

    Klay is treading dangerously towards washed territory.

    Tonight, pre season, and playoffs last year have been mostly putrid shooting nights with some good ones sprinkled in

    Steph was 4-14, Clay was 3-11.  Both Splash Bros were off equally.

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