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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. I also love the "my employer pays my insurance" angle.  When i had my own company we were paying on average $900 a month per employee and then they would pay around $450 or so (this is 10 years ago, video games with average employee age <30).  So that is $1350 a month that somehow is a "benefit" without anyone thinking that it would be much nicer to have the cash in pocket each month and not have to worry about paying off some corporation whose sole goal is to make money on your health and to fuck you without lube whenever possible.

    • Hook 'Em 5
    • Rage+1 3
  2. So the best insurance plan is:

    1. Be famous
    (Get sick)
    2. Start a go fund me

    A big problem is everyone thinks they are going to be famous or rich. Almost all of my redneck relatives think they are days away from being a millionaire or a tik-tok sensation.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Quote

    Olympic gymnastics champion Mary Lou Retton is “fighting for her life” in an intensive care unit, according to her daughter.

    Retton has been diagnosed with “a very rare form of pneumonia” and has been in the ICU at an undisclosed hospital for more than a week “not able to breathe on her own”, McKenna Kelley said in an Instagram story posted on Tuesday afternoon.

    “Out of respect for her and her privacy, I will not disclose all details,” wrote Kelley, a former gymnast at Louisiana State University. “However, I will disclose that she is not insured.”

    She added: “We ask that if you could help in any way, that 1) you PRAY! and 2) if you could help us with finances for the hospital bill.”

    She should have won more gold medals - am i right?

    What the fuck is wrong with us that we have these kinds of stories every day?  It's disgusting that health care is some kind of special benefit that now only the ultra rich can really afford.  The health of the nation is basically controlled by few insurance companies and lobbyist.  The system only benefits them AND the fucking rubes go along with it.  Why does everything have to be fucked up when it is so simple to fix?

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  4. Since we are talking about Israel, let’s not forget the USS Liberty. Israel was perfectly cool with shooting up our boat and killing our guys also.

    • Rage+1 2
    or go the NASCAR route and start selling product placement stickers and patches to help fund the defense dept.
    This cruise missile brought you by BC Headache powder "Are you surrounded by explosions all day and your headache wont go away, try some BC powder"

    Why not sell sponsorships? The USS crypto.com brought to you by Capital One
  6. Cool, and most were easy passes to wide open receivers and a couple of great catches by the WRs.  Now talk about the 3 turnovers, including one that could've been thrown to Worthy for a TD.  Quinn wasn't the reason we lost but let's not pretend he was great either.

    The turnovers sucked but he played a near flawless 2nd half.

    84% completion percentage with over 30 completions has happened once in Texas history (today).
    • Hook 'Em 4
  7. Ewers played great if you ignore his 3 turnovers.  Those were not great.

    No other Texas QB in our history completed more passes in a row than Ewers did today. He missed on 2 of his last 27 passes with one of those being a Hail Mary….
    • Hook 'Em 4
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  8. Wemby is my #1 player to watch this year. I will try to catch almost every game. Outside of him, Scoot is in my top 5. Sharpe is also super athletic, maybe one of the top 10 guys in the league (the Thompson twins are up there as well).

  9. In the history of baseball (which is a pretty long time), there has been 1 team to slug .500 for a full season. Your 2023 Atlanta Braves, with the most impressive offensive season in history.

    • Drool 1
  10. A starting front court of Ayton and Williams in today's NBA sounds pretty tank suitable to me.

    They have grant at the 4


    Not the worst team ever for sure.
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