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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fastbreak

  1. Did Ferrari get rid of wrong guy?
  2. Shocker that Stroll was involved in accident .
  3. I think they will run in the 1:28s in Q3. Hulk shows he is a top 10 driver.
  4. The green cars look bad ass
  5. Hamilton got some damage to the floor
  6. Sorry, microplastics aren’t recyclable…
  7. MAGA men are not afraid to call a spade a spade…
  8. if god is all knowing, then why do people have to pray? He already knows how it's going to work out, he doesn't need to hear your bullshit...
  9. Almost all top GOP guys took Russian money. Nothing to see here.
  10. Ladyboys are more a Thai thing. No posts on the attempted assassination of our proud American traveler Tucker?
  11. Didn't fit the rockets timeline...
  12. To be fair, the kid with cancer should really pick themselves up by the bootstraps, get a job and start contributing their fair share. Lying in bed all day and looking for sympathy from minor celebrities is no way to get ahead in this world.
  13. Zach Lowe was talking on his pod about a Wemby watch for a 5x5 and the next day he does it.
  14. I think he just was pushing him back and his hand slipped. Nadji was probably a bit sweaty [emoji3062]
  15. In the Trump filing it says they used CellHawk to collect the data.
  16. Your call logs and cell location are not public record, right? How was this info obtained?
  17. And you wonder how Trump gets people to fall in line. Between his investigation teams, the network that Epstein had going and his Russian handlers, Trump has dirt on pretty much everyone.
  18. Trump isn't lying when he said it was the greatest economy ever -- for him and his family. His son in law walked off with 3 billion after just 4 years. That is a hell of an economy.
  19. the Billy was just waiting for this chance and then instantly integrated into the biggest band in the world and then later had a 5 decade long post Beatles career where he made all kinds of classic music and collaborated with most of the worlds top artists. And all this was kept completely in secret except for a few cryptic things on some records and album sleeves. Pretty damn impressive for Billy.
  20. Fastbreak

    New Music 2024

    true, it's one of the top 10 albums of all time IMO, but this new song is really generic. It's like a protest song that doesn't know what it is protesting
  21. form is pretty good. elbow is tucked in, good wrist finish. Needs more leg bend to get higher elevation.
  22. There is a free 8 hour trial right now. I would play it for yourself before buying into the hate train. I’ve put around 10 hours in, it’s not nearly as bad as the haters are going on about.
  23. I am back to having the Silver Sky SE next to my desk for easy pick up and play. The neck profile still feels like it’s the easiest for me to play.
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