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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. A starting front court of Ayton and Williams in today's NBA sounds pretty tank suitable to me.

    They have grant at the 4


    Not the worst team ever for sure.
  2. So I went and found this tweet in TT's feed. I was expecting to see at least some dissent but I scrolled through about 50 responses and every single one of them was thanking him for his bold stand, etc. Usually, there's a smattering of opposing thought but not a single one in this case. It was bizarre.

    Twitter only feeds what you want. There are no opposing views shown to people.
  3. On 9/24/2023 at 4:46 AM, tbone_ said:

    Ok. What is this?

    It is an Ibenez TOD10N, Tim Henson Signature Nylon string


    He plays it here:



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  4. The average year round humidity in Singapore is 84%.  I think that's why it feels so hot.  The air feels sticky all the time.  Sort of like summer here in Naples, FL.

    Friday was super hot. Saturday was super humid. Sunday was a balance day, not incredibly hot and not super humid.

    Over the 3 days I was at the park 8 hours a day on average. I drank lots of beers and margaritas and drank lots of water. I didn’t pee one time. I sweated it all out. That is the difference in Singapore and Austin/Houston. Lol
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  5. Weather says no rain, but their are super dark clouds and I just took a few drops. 5 hours for it to blow over.

    Post Malone called out the Horns btw. Apparently he is a fan. Seems like a cool dude.

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