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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. November 5, 2024 is the last day his age matters. We elect a Vice President along with him. He’s already accomplished more than any President in history and we should be BEGGING him for a second term.

    After thinking about it, I am admitting defeat. Biden basically has to keep it together for another 14 months. He is the only hope right now. Maybe we should go with a different VP however. Maybe Buttigieg?
  2. He's 3 years older than Trump.  If you honestly think Biden is "too old" but Trump isn't, then I seriously question your own cognitive abilities.
    There is zero chance Biden will be primaried.  So, choose your old guy.  Both could die in office.  Both could die before election day.  Here we are.  I'm ridin' with Biden, because there is no chance to rally the Democrats behind anyone else.

    Trump is too old also, but his age doesn’t matter to the base. Have you guys not been paying attention to the cult for the last 8 years?

    A loss pretty much means the end of America, the stakes are fucking high.
  3. I’m for Biden - he has done a great job. He has done what a president should do and has brought some dignity and sanity back to the WH.

    However, he is just too old. If you watch the last of his G20 press conferences, he is showing severe signs of cognitive loss. His movements and speech patterns are slow and repetitive. There is no possible way he is going to last and function for another 5 years. The QDP is going to use this against him and it opens the door for Trump.

    Hillary was seriously the only candidate who could have lost to Trump in 2016 and Biden will be the only candidate Trump can beat in 2024. If you can’t see that your head is in the fucking sand.

  4. Biden looked and sounded like he has dementia today. He simply can’t run again. His family needs to step in. He is really the only person outside of Hillary who can lose to Trump.

    Biden looked and sounded like he has dementia today. He simply can’t run again. His family needs to step in. He is really the only person outside of Hillary who can lose to Trump.

  5. I took my Gem Jr to the shop Friday for a re-string and a tune up. I spent like 5 hours messing with the Floyd Rose before I said F this. It’s costing me $85 Singapore (about $60 us), but I’m feeling it’s going to be worth it. Floyd Rose was clearly a mad man…

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  6. So whats the consensus here about airline travel with a guitar?  Hard case and check?  Carry with you to the gate and hope they have a spot for it in the cabin?  Don't do it at all unless you have an anvil case for it?  Buy a second ticket and make sure its seat belt is tightly fastened?

    Hard case inside box and checked worked for me. With AirTag hidden in case for bonus points. I am constantly looking for guitar boxes in case I have to get out of the country fast. Lol.
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