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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. F1: look, we’re reducing carbon footprint. Using two fewer sets of tires per race.
    Also F1: We’re crisscrossing the globe, from Saudi to Australia to Miami to Europe (Imola, Monaco, Spain) back to Canada, back to Europe (Austria)… but don’t worry about that. TWO FEWER TIRE SETS!!!

    I applaud F1. Rubber doesn’t grow on trees you know.
    • Haha 3
  2. I’ve been trying to figure out the Russian angle with the GOP. I’m pretty sure it is the Epstein playbook. The KGB gets compromising info/photos/video, they then present it to the person and say “we will make this go away, in fact we will support you with the cash flow”. They then have 2 things over the person, the original sin and the new sin of taking money from Putin.

    Look at all the people who talk the loudest and are in step with Russia. They all has clear skeletons. It’s easy work for a good intelligence department.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. The first 5 laps were great. The last 47 were blah. I hope there is something done in the off-season to make things a bit more competitive.

    As mentioned, there is really no strategy now that matters.

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