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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. I think with the new CBA that second round picks will be more valuable. I think teams will even more draft older players who can be end of rotation guys on cheap contracts with 2nds while continue to take flyers on talent with 1sts.

    The new CBA will end up being super harsh on the middle and drive it to the edges of both sides on the ledger. The players should have read the fine print.

  2. That’s why I’m asking if teams flat out refuse to trade with OKC and they exceed roster limits with guaranteed contracts

    They have 21 on the roster right now. Going to have to cut 6 at the end of summer.

    Maybe Rockets can complete the cycle and pick up Ty Ty and Gaurba.
  3. 90's ACTV ruled. I would rather watch two dudes drink beers in random locations for 30 minutes than most of what passes for TV now.

    I use to help a guy who talked sports late night with stats and trivia stuff. We would go to Katz’s after the show and sometimes eat with Alex Jones. I wish I would have punched him then.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. I was wondering if this could be any worse. There is a story about qualifying but results from practice. ESPN does this shit all the time with F1. Even after the race you have to dig for the results.


  5. I was watching sportscenter for the first time in awhile last night. That shit is almost unbearably bad. Like 1990s Austin public access tv. The guy spent 30 seconds saying how he stayed up past his 9pm bed time to watch wemby because “that alarm comes at you fast”

    They could make anything non-exciting

    “It’s 4 down and 5 from the 6 yard line. Texas takes the ball across the line of the goal for a 6 pointer. That reminds me of when I put on my deodorant this morning, smooth across the line. Now let’s look at the table tennis highlights…”

  6. According to this okie school official, the Tulsa Massacre wasn’t about race, it was just about getting rid of the uppity n&$@ers..


    "Let's not tie it to the skin color and say that the skin color determined that," Walters said, which angered some attendees, with one woman saying, "This divisive rhetoric, the kids are watching this. The kids are watching this."

    I would love to beat this motherfuckers ass…

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