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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. The clippers are the only team that makes sense. I’m sure the holdup is satisfying a 3rd team.

    Something like:

    Sixers get N. Powell, 2030 Clippers 1st
    Clippers get Harden, D. Wright
    Wizards get Marcus Morris, 2028 Clippers 1st (or Brandon Boston)

  2. So she's Jewish so that means she should be one of the 6 million who should die?

    I don’t understand the holocaust deniers. It’s kind of like the flat earthers. Who is gaining from these huge conspiracies? I was just in Amsterdam and saw the memorial with 100,000 names. A few years ago I was in Berlin and saw the memorial with 3m names. I’ve been to Dachau and have seen how they set things up. People who participated have admitted it. It’s not that hard to find evidence (like the flat earthers who clearly have never looked outside).
  3. Because he's obviously leaking shit he shouldn't be. They might be playing whack a mole. 

    Who? Why would Twitter give a shit? There are tens of thousands (millions?) of fake news accounts that spew shit much worse than where Kat is going to sign.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    Sounds like they gave him an offer he couldn't refuse.  Maybe they had his family, or something, but really strange 180 degree turn of events.  Maybe he just realized he was on a fool's errand and found a way out.  

    This is out of the Stalin playbook.  You get the family, then you make the enemy sign a confession.  Then you kill the guy for his crimes (and then you kill the family anyway, so they won't seek revenge).  Classic Russian. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. I think the 3 Texas teams won the draft. All 3 did great. The Mavs actually did a master class on flipping their only asset into 3 players and ditching an anchor contract.

  6. 35 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    TJD had some first round grades and of course the bullets decided they didn’t need to take a flyer on him and moved him to the warriors where he will probably move directly into their rotation. I mean why would the wizards bother to take a shot here when they are completely blowing it up and have nothing but developmental minutes to offer young players? It’s like they can’t stop tripping over their own dicks. 

    I have not understood a single thing the Wizards have done this offseason. Maybe they are playing chess and i'm a monkey with a checkers board.

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