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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. Chibson or no?

    I have a chance to get a pretty nice fake Gibson LP* for around $200. Should I do it while I still live in Asia and it’s easier to buy?

    Thoughts on fakes

    *I already have a real Gibson and Epi LP

  2. LOL what dude. Why would Mem ship Adams and the best back up PG in the NBA for the trainwreck that is Ayton.

    MEM doesn’t want to pay Jones. He is an expiring. Both sides have talked about a trade.

    Ayton isn’t exactly a bum. He averaged 18 and 10 on 60% shooting, there are 3 guys in the league who did that last year and one rhymes with Jokic. This would be buying super low for the Grizz.
  3. There are 2 real options:

    (1) there was a world-wide conspiracy of hundreds of thousands (maybe 10s of millions) of health professionals and scientists to overblown the virus, death counts and then hide the negative effects of the vaccines (when many vaccines have proven extremely effective over that past 100+ years). This was done for reasons.


    (2) the medical profession and scientists were all doing their job to the best of their ability.

    #1 is the clear answer to me, but hey I’m just asking questions.

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  4. If Ayton is not moved, then next year they can not aggregate salaries. Meaning that they would have do a 1 for 1. So this is the only chance to get more than 1 guy for him (and they have no picks at all to spice it up).

  5. Even if the remaining roster averages just 2m per player they will be over the 2nd apron. So many restrictions will be in place like no MLE or no signing buyout players. If they keep those guys until the end of their contracts they will also lose draft position (sorry WSH).

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