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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fastbreak

  1. I’ve talked about Spark Amps here before. I have the regular spark, the mini and now I just picked up the go.

    I think it’s great. Perfect for travel (or taking to my office daily).

    It’s also of course a Bluetooth speaker and works with the app, giving thousands of tones.


    • Hook 'Em 4
  2. Shit I know how good he is at basketball. I didn't know that his biggest influences were the greatest Spur of all time and the 2nd greatest Longhorn of all time. 

    Wait. He said Travis Mays?
    • Like 1
  3. Simmons is explaining how the new CBA is actually shit for the players and homegrown teams. It’s basically what I was saying back when it was first announced. A team like the warriors with Steph, Klay and Draymond would have a hard time existing.

    I think what will happen is there will be way less of “max” contracts. So you would have to tell someone like Chet “sorry bro, we can only give you 3 years and 45m.” Since all teams will be in the same position it will be very unlikely that other teams will be able to throw offer sheets.

    The players fucked themselves by not reading the small print.

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