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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. I’d assume somewhere on there since the photos are not in order
  2. Also tested positive this morning. Thought it was the edibles I ate last night that were making me feel “off”. Woke up around 3am with chills and a fever. Took 2 tests this morning and both positive. I’m just sweating a shitload now. I’ve never gotten it so kinda freaking out but seems mild so far. Asthma isn’t acting up or anything.
  3. Lol but he has no problem sending them to aggy… just say Texas wouldn’t pay you what you wanted
  4. Sooooo Neto deleted the commitment tweet. Probably nothing but the last decade of let down has left me expecting the worst.
  5. I was just about to suggest imma should say something about the spamming of a thread with CFS talk and now he’s joined that discussion…
  6. This is already being discussed in the 2022 thread. He’s even setting up an OV to Texas…
  7. I’ve been getting error messages on Safari on my iPhone saying site won’t load because of “too many connections” whatever that means.
  8. *Price of gas goes up* ”fuck you Biden this is your fault” *taps into reserves because price is rising and population is pissed* ”you can’t do that we fucking hate you already. You can’t try and fix the problem” lol wtf with some of you
  9. Interested to see when someone tests the concept behind the judge’s ruling to drop the weapon possession charge.
  10. Also at Charles O talking shit on Twitter when he famously threw a temper tantrum and cried on the field after losing to Kansas…maybe sit just this one out. Other than that keep on kicking ass in the league.
  11. I wish I could say it’s not going to get any worse, but fuck, I’ve said that too many times with Texas football the last few years and now I can’t even trust that statement…fuck!!!
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