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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. 1234 Somewhat agree that it was more of a brain fart than her knowing. I can guarantee my ConLaw professor from law school knows the five off the top of his head at any given moment tho.
  2. ahhhh the richness of a trump supporter calling the Bidens corrupt lol
  3. lulz chickenshit is that all you got? You're "but his emails"-ing Biden now?
  4. Barrett claims she's an originalist or textualist yet the document she is going to be interpreting originally (or textually) does not allow her the right to even be up there soooo....
  5. This is why I was skeptical as to the rumor originally but could, at the same time, seeing him doing this if he's in fact completely fed up with Herman/Texas. I do agree with you, however, that the bolded is the most likely scenario in the end.
  6. I don't subscribe to IT so did not know Hamilton said it was false. My buddy did tell me that mods were "downplaying it" but didn't know they had already said it was completely false. lol if you don't think Carrington can get a recruiting coordinator job at another school rather quickly. he might be our most important recruiter and I'm positive other schools have taken notice of that as well. him not being able to get another job is not a reason I wouldn't buy the rumor. that is just my opinion tho
  7. so rumor has it (a buddy just told me but he subscribes to IT, I think, so maybe that is where he got it) that Carrington is poisoning the well and telling recruits (and current players I'd assume) that he's leaving as soon as he gets another job.
  8. this. gop doesn't give a shit so fuck them.
  9. yup I'm on board. fuck these coaches. always have the most unprepared team on the field. look completely lost. this isn't completely on the refs
  10. lol horribad play call on 1st down fuck this team of course a penalty...
  11. I believe you are just confusing an earlier tweet that he had a fever today.
  12. Harris County is the bigger than Rhode Island and they want to have 1 drop off location...okay. Fuck abbot pussy ass bitch
  13. lol I don't see her lasting in the position through the election. these press briefs are brutal and she's getting crucified...its glorious.
  14. not making a dig at you or your family of nurses but are the nurses complaining about who is paying for the care of the patient? Does it fucking matter? Is their pay lowered because "oh fuck, that dude from last month couldn't pay his bill so now the hospital is docking us"? That's a pretty fucked up stance to take being that you're supposed to be "saving lives." Also fuck the nurses in this video and hope they're fired and medical licenses revoked. get fucked
  15. I'm not even sure that long-form interview would work in this instance. I was kinda with the idea of the whole Joe Rogan debate but after last night, you think Joe is going to "moderate"? he's going to be laughing his ass off at all the wild shit being said. It looked beyond difficult to get trump to stfu last night, can you imagine rogan trying to or even attempting to? Debates usually work, even with the bickering but it is really hard when one of the persons debating never shuts the fuck up. edit: also like to add that I'm most probably only going to watch the VP debate after last night's shit show and take a pass on the other 2. I mean I know who I'm voting for and nothing really is going to sway me at this moment, but I am just interested to hear Harris speak after not really being too familiar with her (even during her candidacy before). also to watch pence squirm by having a female talk down to him is going to be funny. I believe this was noticed after your 2nd or 3rd post on the topic. (jk...kinda)
  16. I'm pretty sure paying your daughter, that you employ, a separate $700K consulting fee is decent evidence of some malfeasance. that's just my opinion tho 1234.
  17. maybe Ash and Herman can get this cop to come and teach some form tackling? I kinda think it was a little much to run from behind the car and spear the dude, but they were also called on a report of him possibly hurting himself and having a loaded weapon with the wife saying they had more weapons in the house. "you don't know if he had a gun behind his back" - usual blue lives matter response defending the force. I feel, like others have stated, the walls are closing in on trump and crew and parscale knows it, especially with the current polling.
  18. lol come on man there's no way you typed that with a straight face 1234
  19. new page, same message: fuck donald trump
  20. any idea what this tweet is about? can't seem to find much online
  21. lol did not know this about meadows
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