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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. lol fuck her really liked when the interviewer would ask her to address the actual questions she was asked.
  2. man fuck the Texas Supreme Court. They also just voted about 10 days ago to add the 3 Green Party candidates back on the ballot after a district court and appeals court took them off for failing to pay the associated fees. Its part of a new law in Texas where if you're nominated by a convention you must pay the associated fees to run for office if you don't go the signature route to appear on the ballot. That new law is currently in court right now arguing about the constitutionality of it and so the supreme court said its their right to run for office and they don't have to pay a fee... (I also have beef with them (and the Texas ble) over how they've handled the bar exam and covid clusterfuck) can't wait to vote those fuckers out man really fuck this guy.
  3. just to piggy back off of what brisket and twice said about "raising" or elevating a charge, in Texas to possibly do that would be by amendment at any time before trial provided that the defendant is given notice. If objected to, then the indictment may not be amended if the amended indictment charges that defendant with an additional or different offense or if the new charge would be prejudicial to the defendant. You might most likely see this happening when someone is charged with an assault and the victim ends up dying so the charge is elevated to homicide. I *think* thats correct lol. I just wanted to add that tidbit because I'm currently studying criminal (and civil) P&E questions and think I remember that tidbit.
  4. I agree with what you say about the no knock warrants and no need to really announce. the main problem I have with it in this specific instance is that they are using it as a defense to justify their actions in basically saying we announced we were police but they still shot at us so we returned fire. the boyfriend has said that they were standing in the hallway when they broke through and asked who they were with no answer and then fired a shot. interesting note I read earlier but don't really feel like looking for the link is that the boyfriend is seeking evidence in his lawsuit against the pd of which bullet exactly was the one that struck the injured officer. their defense is that the boyfriend's bullet was not the one that struck the officer and it came from the fire of another officer (perhaps the officer firing from the back patio don't know for sure). agreed with all of the bolded (well all of it but the bolded in particular)
  5. fixed it Why is it that the only ones saying they identified themselves as police are the police?
  6. Hopefully Roach having a good rookie season so far (especially since he went undrafted) is something that we could sell.
  7. and triple that for Moscow Mitch. fuck that puto
  8. its pretty well established that if you disagree AND don't bring anything to back it up well then yea you're going to get shit on. and trolls fuck trolls nice try on the troll attempt tho
  9. This is pretty much everyone I know regardless of their thoughts on Covid. yup. I'll wait until politicians and the like have received theirs before I get in line for mine. I don't mind not going out for a few months more.
  10. fucking double post shit. fuck you bob stoops
  11. 1234. With regards to trump, I can't get over the fact that some are totally fine with the tearing down the prestige of the office of the president and ripping any level of respect we had on a global stage or even with your average citizen because "its funny" (I shit you not I've gotten that reasoning from at least 3 different people). Aside from politics, I tend to believe I'm really easy going and can get along with people from all walks of life.
  12. Well yeah and the felon currently serving as AG. Forget it, I'm rolling. this is something that really drives me fucking crazy. also the fact this his venue challenge has gone on so fucking long.
  13. not a vocal leftist but wholly expected LP to sit this one out. good on them keeping this shit up
  14. that is what I have noticed as well. Obama being president really broke some of them. I have some friends that argue about the economy and tax policies of the 2 candidates where they don't make anywhere near the 400K that will be newly taxed and would actually benefit if trump's tax plan was rolled back but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. I just came back from a wedding in Edna and I saw 1 Biden sign on the way back to San Antonio. That whole area is trumpville highlighted by the 70 year old uncle or grandpa wearing a trump 2020 cap to the reception. I just find it so weird the obsession with trump that you would wear the cap to a wedding but I guess.
  16. This is where I'm at with him. Just finished (over a few days) his 5 hour show with Duncan Tressel and it was great. Now the one recently with that mma Kennedy guy was a little too conspiracy theory for me. Bill Burr's most recent one with him was fantastic. Especially when Burr told him to shut up about the mask thing because they're not scientists so there is no point in going there. I also agree with others in that I'm not going to Joe for politics. I'm going for him (along with his guest) to entertain me and provide some background noise mostly.
  17. Okay Karen. You'll be fine with 4 more years on non socialism. Says the guy that most probably took that free socialist handout also called the PPP loan for his failing o&g business but you never hear that kinda talk from the right. Corporate socialism is the only acceptable kind of socialism for the right because it’ll all trickle down...
  18. this is what cracks me up about people railing against Biden for being in public office for so long...
  19. First time ever clicking this thread (big mistake, I know) but in the last page or 2 I've seen this mentioned multiple times. This 14 number I assume is citizens that have died/been killed by police in custody or in the process of custody that weren't armed compared to the amount of officers that have been killed (I'm assuming while on duty or in the process of making an arrest or whatever)? Quick question and sorry if its been asked and answered before or just ignore me completely: Does that 14 number (or the way they came about it) differentiate between whether the police knew, at the time, that the perp was armed or only found out after investigating? For example, say I have a gun in my glove compartment but I never bring it up or even mention it because of something or another and shit goes sideways with my police encounter and I'm killed (either rightly so or the cop fucked up), am I included in the number of armed people killed by the police even though my weapon was never a factor in my encounter with the police? Or if it was in my trunk and they only found it after doing an inventory search of my car after it was impounded by them?
  20. interesting little thing I picked up on after looking at some information from the last video about him speaking to a foreign leader in Europe: California has approximately 33 million acres of forest while the US as a whole is roughly 818 million acres (3.3 million square kilometers). The only European nation that has a comparable amount of forest area to us is...Russia with 8.1 million square kilometers of forest area. (I know technically all of Russia isn't in the European continent but it accounts to about 40% of the total area of Europe but I also don't put it past trump to not know any of that and just assume they're in Europe) Second in Europe is Sweden with almost 281,000 square kilometers. It would be weird if Sweden (or any country below them in rank) would call themselves a "forest nation" when they don't even have a 10th of the forest area we have in the states. I guess what I'm saying is that based on what he's said there it is not crazy to assume he was speaking with Putin or someone else in Russia...
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