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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. saw that video earlier today as well and oh boy... also noticed that the date stamp above that Florida politician was May 2011. kinda cracks me up we're still arguing the same shit
  2. It seems as though a small group of dudes (maybe 6?) were the ones talking shit. Weird thing to be protesting about but also lazy media (random people with blue check on twitter) automatically labeling these fools "BLM protestors" and just fanning flames. Of course idiot in chief will probably begin retweeting those claims as well as something like "Look at Joe Biden's America".
  3. the bolded is literally a link to mcenany's statement. There is no mention of the actual witnesses just that 8 have "debunked the story". She supposedly brings up 2 new "witnesses". The first, Derek Lyons a staff secretary, straight up says I was with the president the day after. The second new witness, Dan Walsh, confirms the bad weather call and the helicopters weren't able to fly but thats about it. Other than that they just gave personal opinions (lol) as to why they don't believe he'd say such a thing. I've seen Huckabeef come out and deny it but if you want to call her credible when she has straight up lied or told half-truths during her press conferences while press sec, that is a strange one to take at face value. I do know Bolton only said he didn't hear it but could see him saying it (this one probably hurts more than it helps). Trump even slipped up (lol again) and said he even called Melania that morning back at the White House when she was there with him. This is not a personal attack as I don't typically do those here (swam is gone so we good now) but man this is reaching. I agree with you on the fact that news reporting (even the Atlantic) has their fuck ups (probably too many than should be happening) and its beyond shitty when the correction doesn't get nearly as much traction as the original. Also in complete agreement that there is shitty journalism on both sides and journalists should in fact be arbiters of the truth. Keep the opinion pieces in the opinion section. On the Trump story being debunked, I cannot agree with you on that.
  4. This is what I got from reading the article as well. Bern makes a good point that a deeper look into lower brackets below the 200K threshold. I know my father works for AT&T and when all this shit came out he guessed (correctly) that instead of giving employees a raise they'd probably get a bonus and the rest would go back to shareholders, executives, etc. They ended up giving employees a one-time $1,000 bonus. AT&T (as well as others) instead moved that money back to shareholders in one way or another. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/at-t-got-a-giant-tax-cut-but-has-laid-off-thousands-union-says/ Edit to add that my pops would probably fall in that "deeper look" into the tax brackets as he makes (usually) between 90-105K a year depending on overtime work so I'd be interested to know how, if at all, his taxes have either increased or decreased.
  5. are you saying that because they're white?
  6. I don't get it tho because when you cross from Mexico to the US on foot or by car, you pay on the Mexican side as you're leaving the country. The US charges you when you leave into Mexico. Is he saying we are going to be charged again after paying in Mexico and crossing the bridge to the US side?
  7. lol poor hippie protestors are just standing there and the bitches with guns go attacking them
  8. Funny story about Gitmo: my 1L Federal Civ Pro professor was a former attorney for the military and "spent a lot of time at Gitmo". He swears to this day that not one person was tortured at Gitmo. This dude also saw Abe Lincoln as a traitor and made sure to drive around in his diesel truck Earth Day because it is all a lie anyways. Probably the worst professor I had in law school.
  9. same. I didn't see football being played until later in the fall or January. Happy it is here tho. Here's to hoping all teams stay relatively COVID free and we can have somewhat of a normal life again. Fuck aggy and its still fuck bob stoops
  10. I just got back from spending about 9 days in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. It might have been 60-70% mask usage in convenience stores. Mask requirement signs on the door but people just walk right in. First time I saw it I had to make sure there was actually a sign on the door (there was). Even the 50-60 year old cashier (smelled like a smoker and easily 300+ pounds) took her mask off while helping those gentlemen in the store without the mask and only put it back on when I went up to the counter. Also noticed as the week went on (I got there last sunday) more and more people began to arrive in this small town. From what I gathered, most of the people in that town don't care for the masks. Also driving back and holy shit San Angelo. went into a gas station and there may have been 4 out of 10 people wearing a mask inside with me and the 2 cashiers being 3 of the 4. West Texas don't give no fucks. Also: not intended to be a dig or be seen as talking shit to Goredho but those were my experiences. The more west from San Antonio I went, mask usage declined.
  11. From what I saw on social media, bars in San Antonio and Austin were already open and let’s just say social distancing was not in effect. We’re fucked(again).
  12. bro seriously fuck you. don't give a fuck about anything you may reply but just fuck you. hope karma catches you one day you sorry excuse for a human being
  13. I'm pretty sure thats not how the actual infection rate would be calculated, but I'm also no fan of maths. I wasn't saying shit about cancelling one way or the other just pointing out that by the looks of it we might spike again on college campuses after seeing a bunch of shit on twitter about mass gatherings being the norm at schools across the country.
  14. lol these motherfuckers Postal worker: San Antonio post office hid backlogged mail from congressman https://www.expressnews.com/news/local/article/Two-more-San-Antonio-Postal-Service-machines-set-15495702.php?utm_campaign=CMS Sharing Tools (Premium)&utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral
  15. yup same here. I haven't watched shit but will be voting. I don't need their convincing to know that douchecanoe needs to go.
  16. lol calmer than you are bro... "wHo PrObAbLy RaPeD At LeAsT oNe WoMeN..." (it is womAN, you fucking douchecanoe)..." The Clinton smack talk always cracks me up when don looks like he straight up has sex with his daughter or at least has fantasized about it.
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