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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. lol exactly this. like I said, the mental gymnastics they're going to have to go through to undo that one stupid ass statement is going to be both hilarious and nauseating.
  2. exactly and it shouldn't. even then, would you not consider the crimes done IF you are taking age into consideration? the mental gymnastics to explain that one away when I'm sure there are old people popped for way less shit serving harsher penalties.
  3. and now the slap dick from Colorado buck johnson is going off about the ANTIFA boogeyman and using Andy Ngo's (sp) assault as evidence as well as other ANTIFA acts of violence...this fucking Antifa is the hardest to find I guess since we were able to label those right wing freak shows as domestic terrorists but haven't done so with Antifa (to my knowledge).
  4. so Barr just said that he didn't agree with Stone's sentencing because he was a 67 year old man being sentenced to 8-9 years (not sure exactly). oh fuck right off and die
  5. I just don't see any way you can open schools safely at this time without more assistance. If this shit show doesn't get people off their asses to vote the incompetence out of office (all of it) we're totally fucked.
  6. Can confirm a buddy went to Tulum about a week ago and was forced to take a covid test when he got back (not sure if family or what) but he and 2 others of the 8 that went came back positive.
  7. He would still be a fucking idiot so he’s got that going for him...which is nice.
  8. Ahhh...I see the far-right is on their monthly “ANTIFA is coming” freakout? Lol sad sacks of shit scared of a boogeyman
  9. trump throwing Goya cans at covid patients a la Puerto Rico toilet paper toss would be a great gif
  10. I know a lot of San Antonio clinics are running out of tests early in the afternoon (this was 2 weeks ago might still be the same now) and switched to appointments only. thankfully I was able to do a walk-in last month when I needed to be tested at TexMed. San Antonio's 500 number has me a little worried that the number will be way higher today because of the weekend lag. Rumors of freezer trucks showing up at area hospitals but haven't seen any pictures yet.
  11. And wasn’t this slapdick on a plane either late yesterday or early today with no mask? I hate this fuckstick
  12. from that picture alone it looks like he can lose more than 25 pounds and still not be healthy (this coming from a gordito that could lose 25 pounds). Kinda sad story: a well-known club promoter in San Antonio (have a few friends that own bars/clubs here) was posting "I've been raw dogging strippers since 03 you think Covid is going to stop me...shiiiittttt" - pretty much exact quote from his Facebook on June 13th. Well, he died on Sunday from COVID. He was beyond overweight which put him in an already bad spot in fighting this shit but damn its the straight up ignorance to this shit that pisses me off. It also feels weird because I've kind of gone numb to people who were bitching about bars needing to be opened back up only to then get covid and look for sympathy (shit even gofundmes) with long winded posts about the seriousness of this virus. Stay safe vatos and wear a mask.
  13. didn't even notice I had used lefties. Was not meant to be a dig at the left and no bias was intended.
  14. it cracks me up that people on the right (I'm sure it's done by lefties but noticing more of the right doing it on twitter) are always the first to throw the Clintons or a meme with them for any mention of this Maxwell bitch or Epstein when there is no shortage of images with their boy and these fucksticks. bro I don't care if the Clintons were in on it, fuck them if they were and hang them with the rest. Shit like this shouldn't be political. We should all be against this shit and it shouldn't matter what political parties hung out with these animals. If they were involved, throw them in the fire too. fuck rapists and especially child rapists. they deserve all that is coming to them but the lack of self-awareness is truly astonishing.
  15. you talking about the people who want to blast the mountain or Sanders specifically? I must have missed Sanders saying that. Edit: just realized this post is kinda old, my bad, I'm high.
  16. lol what the fuck? These fucking mouthbreathers. Also question for the my Harris County peeps: What is up with all the hoopla on twitter about everybody being denied the "relief fund" or whatever?
  17. don't care what bt said he went back on ignore. damn didn't even realize this happened in Canada either
  18. yea hadn't seen the complete video because it was pretty annoying after the first few seconds (aren't they all?). Agreed on the bush thing but only picking berries meh... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  19. lol picking berries from a wild bush is "wrong"?
  20. no shit, I was thinking just that when I got the news alert saying Iran was requesting assistance from Interpol to arrest trump for murder. Then I remembered that shit happened in January. Holy fuck these last 6 months have been unimaginable. This alternate reality needs to end this election.
  21. you were ahead of yourself by like 3 minutes lulz
  22. Well this intel would’ve been readily available as it used to be published yearly in our “threat report” or whatever but this administration stopped doing those. *in this case* I’m seeing it as more of a “fuck, we’d usually be able to tell you guys this shit happened or is happening but now we can’t anymore so,fuck it,I’m talking”. I’m talking about this specific case/instance. edit: I’d also like to point out that our usual up the chain of command complaint system with regards to government employees has been pretty much hijacked and we don’t really investigate these things anymore.
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