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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. 1234. They've talked for years about repeal and replace and we ain't seen shit about what they would replace it with. So anybody on Obamacare gets left with their dick in their hand once its repealed without anything else to take over? You know they don't have shit ready to go to take over for it but somehow they'd still blame Obama and his fucking selfie stick.
  2. Bingo *question from our fabulous friends at OANN* ”Mr. President, isn’t it true that you didn’t take action to the intel report of Russians offering bounties to the heads of American troops and instead decided to invite Putin to the G7 summit in an attempt to see why he would do such a mean thing? It is better to be done safe to face is it not?” *insert trump reply referencing such a beautiful question(the best question) followed by about a minute of talking about everything except what was asked*
  3. he was already not inviting the San Antonio Express News or allowing them to send reporters earlier this week for a press conference. own it pussy
  4. fair representation of the people living in the DC Metro area? edit: what conVINCEd said
  5. lol moscowbitch is getting a little scared about his re-election campaign against Booker I see...
  6. yup. and the week before was about facial recognition software. week before that was police brutality. week before that was mail in voting. DCA obviously tried to make a funny and used a tv host that usually (haven't seen every show of his) hits topics that are controversial and tries to bring about the discussion with facts but mostly appeals to the liberal populace. That and he shits on Trump. Also a big fan of his trolling of tucker carlson constantly.
  7. that would be fucking awesome to watch and see reactions in real time.
  8. and then the police chief of that city did that earlier today...
  9. Edit: I was referring to the second tweet not the video even though the video is all kinds of fucked up. "I'm going to need you to delete that" lol get fucked lol go right ahead and arrest them... also THIS is why I say that most cops are the biggest pussies/bullies you'll ever know. Also if that was the case I'd show up to the city council meeting and ask that they be limited to desk duty that doesn't involve heavy lifting if 3 of them were overpowered by a 140lb dude. gtfoutta here
  10. Yea people bring that up but I've never actually seen anything. That last chick disappeared real quick after her story didn't add up.
  11. Lol Michael Flynn can get fucked as well as his family and the president
  12. I had to stop watching when Mukasey began to suck off Barr and the DOJ nevermind switched back when Zalinksy(sp?) began to give his statement.
  13. ahhh this is the important information I was missing as to your surprise. I appreciate all the legal minds that drop in and give their legal perspective. As someone new in this field, some of the information reassures what I believed while others, at times, make me think I don't know what I'm doing. Its great!!
  14. ok that is what I kind of thought as well but thanks for the explanation. Fuck Michael Flynn tho...
  15. I don't even know what to think anymore. I understand that as a matter of law this is the correct decision but this case doesn't really pass the smell test (especially with the way things are in this country). Question on the mandamus: Is via mandamus not the correct avenue for dismissing the case because the higher court is kicking it back down to the lower court to enforce/order the dismissal? I didn't read the order before the appeal or look too much into it to see what exactly was ordered to take place in this appeal. I picked a hell of a time to jump into a legal career.
  16. haha it took me a second or two to figure that was why she was freaking out. Curb is a work of art.
  17. https://www.expressnews.com/news/local/article/Nirenberg-told-ABC-CNN-San-Antonio-s-spike-in-15343654.php A rise in the number of hospitalizations among the younger demographic...
  18. you have got to be the most tone deaf doctor I've ever "interacted" with. My younger brother got COVID from his first trip to a bar. 31 years old and in great shape. Another bartender I know, 26 years old and got COVID. No previous conditions and in good shape but is still in the hospital and will probably be for the foreseeable future as his lungs are permanently damaged. I currently know 3 other people not counting those 2 I mentioned that are in their mid 20s and all 3 tested positive after their one trip to the same bar. Thankfully I know for a fact you're not my doctor because my doc is from Monterrey and gives me a sense of relief but damn do I feel for your patients if thats the type of advice you give.
  19. wtf? for being at his home? not arguing anymore we just have different opinions on the internet...weird. 2 things I learned on twitter about this encounter: asian dude has lived at this home for 18 YEARS!!!! sorry this uppity bitch didn't know him yet. Also male instigator dude lost his job too...shame.
  20. alright this legit made me lol
  21. This is where I don't agree with you. He literally asked "but if its my property then it is fine" and then asked "but you don't know if I live here or not" to which they say "we know you don't live there". How is that escalating? I guess we'll just have to disagree on that point. I just hope you're not an LEO if that is "escalating" to you (couldn't resist sorry) As to your second point: that is just the times we are living in. don't start no shit, won't be no shit. also this post was fucking weird. Mexico, my family is from Mexico.
  22. Last post on this topic because I feel I'm spending way too much time on it: You bring up "normal" and here is roughly the verbal exchange up to the :37 second mark: "is this your property? hi, I'm asking if this is your property" - lady "why you asking?" - property owner "because its private property" - both instigators of the situation "so are you defacing private property or is this your building?" - husband/male instigator (assuming) "you're free to express your opinions, but not on people's property" - " " "ok" - property owner (says it a few times in the next seconds as the instigators keep talking) "so, we're just saying...absolutely you're signs and everything, and thats good. "this, this is not the way to do it...its private property" "but if I did live here and this was my property then this would be absolutely fine? - property owner "totally" - male instigator "and you don't know if I live here or not" - property owner "we actually do know" - female instigator That phrase coupled with that smirk, besides the fact that it is an outright fucking lie, is reason enough for me to know, or reasonably assume, that they just saw a minority man who looked out of place in A neighborhood (because they themselves weren't neighbors) and felt they not only had to say something but lie about it too. At that point, they don't deserve any fucking answers from me and can kindly fuck off.
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