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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. actually not asian but Mexican. also that was a pretty weak comeback do better please.
  2. lets go point by point 1. Of course you don't. Now if that person begins harassing you about what you are doing at your house, then yea I might get my phone out and record the encounter (in my case because I'm a male minority and she appears white). 1b. What explanation do I owe you? Why the fuck do you keep bothering me? Call the cops if it bothers you so much. 2. Did you even read this to yourself before hitting submit reply? Let me go out and paint black lives matters on my front porch and hope that a nosy person comes and starts shit. I believe that you're saying more about the reason for the black lives matters protests than you even realize. 3. Yea and if she was a "normal neighbor" and didn't live miles away by the marina maybe I would've recognized her and entertained her queries. I also don't owe my neighbors any explanation. I don't get it. Where is the disconnect? The "is she Karen or she isn't a Karen" is irrelevant at this point. I'm talking about your view that I, or that dude in the video in this case, owes that lady or anyone else that is not an authority any sort of explanation so that "it doesn't escalate". Why does he owe her anything?
  3. First of all, kindly fuck off. Why do I have to answer questions about my property? Call the cops and move the fuck on. Who is whining? He posted a video of a lady giving him shit for writing something on his property, said video went viral. Well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions...
  4. that whoosh was you missing the point of the 40% number...
  5. on twitter yesterday I saw a couple of tweets of people in San Marcos being sick after partying over the weekend in SA/Austin. Another friend sent a message to a WhatsApp group saying his buddy had to go get tested because a coworker tested positive after going on a boat party in Austin over the weekend. The first person from that boat party that got sick/tested positive was a 23 year old girl who had to be admitted.
  6. Yup grab on to your butts this bitch is back (never really left). Here in San Antonio, a couple bartenders at Sandbox (bar next to UTSA) and The Block (food truck park/bar next to UTSA) have tested positive for corona and now a bunch of positive tests from people who went this past weekend are popping up. Another bartender buddy of mine is in the hospital and shared a long post about “this virus is real/ I’m dumb for not listening” only to go and blame “people who feel sick and still go out”... stay safe vatos
  7. great episode. he's been killing it even during the shutdown. and that final scene...powerful.
  8. I'm sorry to hear that and send prayers. My younger brother, whom I live with, tested positive for COVID today. He started feeling sick on Monday night and Tuesday woke up with a fever and decided to go get tested here in SA. My brother would never go anywhere at the beginning of this and only recently after seeing everybody keep going out and starting to resume normalcy did he start going a couple places. He went to the gym with a facemask a few times and hung out with a couple friends a handful of times. He feels a lot better today and has no fever and a minor cough. He's been self-isolating since tuesday and I really hadn't had much interaction this past weekend because he went out of town until Monday. He has to wait until he has 2 negative tests before he can go to the office. He mainly feels guilty now about anybody he could've possibly gotten sick even though he attempted to be as considerate as possible. I went and did one of those short turnaround tests here at the Tex Med Clinic across the street and thankfully came out negative. Not sure how reliable those are but figured they have to be a little bit reliable but I'll go get another one on Monday. Even then, I still have to self isolate and can't go to work this week and probably the following week either. I didn't realize I'd have to change all my shit and it kinda sucks man. I guess its good I'm studying for the bar exam and can be forced to study all day
  9. "violent criminal history" = 2005 charge of possession with intent from houston / 2004 charge of poss < 1g (Houston) / failure to produce a DL (minnesota). L. O-fucking. L. *after only a quick 2 minute search on Lexis*
  10. tbh? I'd venture to say probably 40/40/20 split between left/right/ain't got shit else to do as the split among those looting and destroying shit.
  11. This is what really pisses me off about this whole shitshow. that I can't vote by mail if I choose but dear leader and his family circus can is bullshit.
  12. almost like it is politically motivated...
  13. Jesus wtf man. charge that bitch with murder
  14. Yup 2 consecutive days of drop to 83 and 82 but back up to 90 for the 25th according to the Travis County dashboard (if I read it correctly). it will probably stay in that region (80-90ish) until there is a spike or it begins to drop to which I think the former is much more likely.
  15. I completely agree with that. My comment was more personal opinion/being fed up with this administration.
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