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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. yea I can see where you're coming from on the judiciary's power not being invoked in this case. I guess I don't like the way the executive branch is getting involved in this sense insofar as Trump's influence through Barr being the reason for the prosecutor's making this move. Flynn knew his rights. His attorneys knew his rights. They even offered him a court appointed outside counsel to review the case and he declined and pled. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Had never heard them (heard of them yes) but stumbled upon them as a "similar to" on my Spotify to one of the Dave Matthews Band live concerts I had just heard. Click on 'LivePhish 04/03/98: Uniondale, New York" and first song is Mike's Song and holy shit the just straight jamming was great. I get a very Grateful Dead vibe from them (probably not the first to say that I know). I dig it. kthnxbai
  3. pretty good read and an exceptional list of legal scholars that signed it.
  4. can we /thread it here? we still doing that?
  5. Jesus fuck I hate people. That last one talking about HIPAA...honestly what the fuck. Thankfully I have yet to witness any of this even with me almost always being in the Stone Oak and Alamo Heights areas of San Antonio /notshaggysurly1%
  6. didn't know before but just looked it up and of course I should've known that they were barred for not following the White House press social distancing guidelines.
  7. well fucking say what the fuck he was doing. are you talking about the possible withholding of a LOAN Biden references? For investigating a known corrupt individual? You're saying that was a quid pro quo or something? remember the gop and trumpers said that happens all the time and is a big "nothing burger". the mental gymnastics you must go through to believe some of the shit you post has got to be olympian level.
  8. lol of course he starts this shit...I hope the states say fuck you and tell him to pound sand.
  9. oh he mad now and is freestyling now lol
  10. I wonder how Coachella being in October will now fuck with ACL in October.
  11. just like to add that brisket/goredho/bonnieblue/twice have really hit the nail on the head in the last page or so...reps you may have them.
  12. I'm guessing the retweet hits on the "...or posted something for public consumption..." point of the questionnaire. I'm actually in agreement if she fucked it up fuck her and she pays the consequences. I am all for the letting the judicial process run according to procedure and fairly whether guilty or innocent.
  13. I still don't understand how he's going to be free, can you explain? Maybe he's on house arrest pending the new trial, but he's not "free". I missed where I put that I was "happy about it". She's a dumb cunt that fucked up and deserves whatever consequences are brought down. He's still going to be sent to jail eventually. To be honest it would be pretty cool if he isn't given his trial until after the election and trump doesn't win and no pardon is given. (not trying to derail the thread)
  14. 1. Same Michael Cohen who spoke out against Trump? I think you know the reason for no pardon. 2. Well then cool, she's fucked as we don't need that kind of shit when performing your duty as a citizen. Declare case a mistrial and re-try the case. I can pretty much guarantee you reach the same verdict with the evidence presented but the only thing is poor Roger stone stays in prison for longer awaiting trial...sad! Also good luck finding a jury pool that hasn't either commented on this matter or knowing anything about the case. An en banc trial might not even be a good choice here for poor Roger. he's fucked either way up until trump pardons him.
  15. 1. To act like trump wasn't already going to pardon him is dumb. 2. I read the article linked and there was no mention of perjury so I don't know what you're alluding to. As a juror, you are entitled to have your own personal opinions. The voir dire process gives both counsel's the opportunity to remove any jurors they think would negatively affect their case or not view favorably the defense/argument they will be making in Court which is the whole point of jury selection. Apparently, after all of this, she was still selected to the jury panel. Am I missing something?
  16. don't know who the young turks are and don't care but I find it funny that you question who someone gets behind when you back trump, fox, etc...
  17. We gave a bailout to the Farmers for far more than we gave the auto industry with the main difference being that the auto industry paid the $$ back. Farmer's bailout was because president fail couldn't back up promises of bringing jobs/money back to the midwest so fuck it give them some money and let the next admin deal with it. I agree that our economy is still riding the wave of the Obama economy but trump is trying his best to sink that to shit for short term gains (are they really gains tho?). Again, we are trusting someone to run our economy that couldn't even turn a profit on a FUCKING CASINO. But people voted for him because he's a businessman...a really shitty one but a businessman nonetheless I guess.
  18. so we don't have the best economy under any administration? this is horseshit!
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