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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. and hopefully by then I'll be 10 years deep in the practice of law and be able to scoop up one of those houses on the cheap.
  2. This too. Some say "just work through school blah blah blah". I'd like to know where people are making 40K a year to pay for the cost of a full year at UT (I assume its in that ballpark) when that doesn't include all the bills you are going to pay besides tuition (living expenses). That shit ain't cheap. Shit, even at UTSA I think they're up to about 20K for the full year for 24 hours. Working to pay for school is simply not as feasible as it once was.
  3. This is where I'm at. As someone who is currently a 3L in law school, although not accumulating 200K in loans, it all depends (as it does with every degree/career) on the person receiving the degree. If they're going to sit on their ass and do the bare minimum after graduation then the possibility of repaying the note is not looking good. If they are going to work and are making every effort to find the best employment, there is a great possibility that they can in fact pay back their debts and live a prosperous life. Like many have said, the price of education has gone way up while the value has not risen along with it or may have even dropped in value. That is on the legislators for letting this shit get so out of hand. I'd also like to point out that some families simply can't afford to pay for their child's college education outright even if they start off at the JUCO route without the help of student loans. Sometimes it can be poor planning but it can also be unfortunate events that have impacted the family. Divorces happen, layoffs happen, economic shifts, etc...
  4. what. the. fuck. This "press conference" is all kinds of fucked up. He's been rambling about the shooting of republicans at the baseball practice for at least 5 minutes...straight up rambling. "you know how I could tell you wife loves you? because she was sad...not many wives get sad at those moments" WHAT THE FUCK
  5. FUCKING SHIT I picked the wrong time to try and see how we're doing on the recruiting front.
  6. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/06/business/economy/trade-war-tariffs.html ahhh yes bending the knee but Chinese tariffs are passing the costs to the US consumer...THAT WILL SHOW THEM!!!!
  7. I've got a buddy that has been traveling back and forth from San Francisco to Hong Kong for work (at least 3 roundtrips in the last 2 months and he was there as of Sunday). This virus/outbreak hits close to home but hope it doesn't actually hit close to home. These kinds of outbreaks kinda freak me the fuck out especially for the olds and the poor. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
  8. all of this along with the previous messages of her being watched in Ukraine and having to be told to get on the first plane out of there not by our own country but by Ukraine. Ukraine cared more about her safety than the US.
  9. to table (deny) the amendment requesting subpoenas be issued for documents from the White House.
  10. I winged mine because of a hangover after a trip to Mexico (the part of the brief that I didn't write) and I am pretty sure I did better than that.
  11. how his base eats all this incorrect information up boggles the mind. even with that article that came out that in fact US consumers are picking up the tab on the increased tariffs to go along with the "farmers bailout" already exceeding the auto bailout they still believe head doofus... What. The. Fuck.
  12. Same shit as before pretty much but only this time the tariffs are fucking over the American public instead of the "intended target" because we have a super genius as president.
  13. man seeing him say that he knows his body can't take it anymore even though he still wants to go is what hit me. One of my favorite players. The dude played with an unmatched aggression but played the right way (fuck you Burfict). He was definitely one of the good guys in the league.
  14. MoscowMitch? I'm guessing re-election next time around by pushing this "trial" through the way he wants. Perhaps saves some of his wrongdoings with regards to Parnas, etc. from coming to light at this time in a Senate trial by not allowing more evidence and testimony. If I'm a member of the Senate (dem or rep. leaning towards fair trial) I repeat to anybody that would listen that we are prepared to call Bolton to testify. Hell, the House should call him to testify to watch him try and get out of it. He may have not "won" anything, but the American public is definitely losing by this cunt (as well as the rest of the GOP) being a snake and fucking this shit up.
  15. DO YOU NOT LIKE YOUR TAX CUTS?!?!?!? (even if they aren't doing shit to spur our economy and we still operated in the red to the tune of about 980 billion just last year) King. Of. Dealmaking. also to your point of bailing out farmers, we've already spent more bailing them out than we did on the auto industry. I wonder if the farmers are going to pay the $ back like the auto industry did... (they won't)
  16. You and I both know that is a load of horseshit. If that was the case we'd be fucking up Saudi Arabia instead of allowing them to fuck us time and again.
  17. I, too, am far from a Trump supporter. But impossible to call Iran outcome a win for US president and no, this is not a big opportunity going forward. I mean unless you're okay with our country looking complete idiots/assholes. We killed their #2 in command for no apparent reason other than dipshit picked the wrong answer in a multiple choice question.
  18. but I thought China would finally pay their fair share?
  19. she does have articles worthy of being delivered to the Senate. Now if the Senate wasn't a bunch of spineless hacks that already said no fair trial on the current articles of impeachment thats a totally different story. and here we are...
  20. YES, BUT CAN YOU CITE THE SPECIFIC LAW?!?!?!?!?!/tristone
  21. just to clarify that was that ousux slapdick who said what you quoted.
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