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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. hope you're the first one signing your kids up to be enlisted because Merica. I wouldn't sign up to die for a country where my commander in chief (or even anybody in his family) would be willing to die for our country. fuck trump and fuck you Some of the right all excited about starting another war yet our idiot in chief doesn't know what he's going to do next. The fucking white house and DOD can't even get the name correct of who Soleiman worked for. The incompetence at the top of our government is sad but fuck it tax cuts for the rich.
  2. don't think there is any way he leaves the Pats with the possibility of taking over for Belichick (maybe) to join the fucking browns.
  3. oh NOW you care about the separation of powers between the co-equal branches of government? When Trump was withholding the aid already approved by another co-equal branch of government because of his own self-interest, is that obstructive or is it "the fucking Constitution"? I'll hang up and listen.
  4. yes, but in this impeachment, it is not a blow job we're talking about. the current president committed actual crimes and is going to be impeached over it.
  5. EMAW before submitting the thread: EMAW after:
  6. saw this last night. I can't believe (I mean I can but still) a dude had a shirt that had the rest of the trump family taking over the presidency after the orange one, all the way down to Baron. Also his "math" was all off and his failure to acknowledge or notice it was amazing to watch. Some of them are completely lost and there's no hope.
  7. No, Ginsburg was on a CBS Sunday Morning thing a while back too. I don't think any of them should be giving interviews really. I can understand a 60 Minutes type interview talking about their life and what got them to the bench but aside from that, nah. They should be kept mostly out of the public eye. If you want to learn about them, read their opinions.
  8. touche, do not know why I added that at the end.
  9. Reform is necessary and past due IMO, and I'd find it difficult to find any of the "neolibs" on this site that wouldn't agree with you. No orange plank or bushes, trees, or foilage blocking the views. Also as to the WaPo opinion article Anastasis posted: it should be common fucking sense to have an audit apparatus within the FBI/FISA courts to be checking on abuses of the system. So it pretty much didn't say anything contrary to what most of the left leaning posters have said previously: "yes there were shortcuts taken, report says they should be looked at but did not invalidate the requests, agreed that reform should be done after all is said and done" (I'm pretty sure JimmyJazz has posted something along those lines at least 3 times). lets dissect this: "paying attention to politics for the first time" - imo this has more to do with technology being more readily available to all walks of life now and not just the middle to upper class. Information (good and bad) is available at their fingertips when before some would not be aware of anything going on. One big tool used by the younger population is twitter (boomers have taken over Facebook so fuck that). Twitter has information overload where they can get information about pretty much anything (right or wrong) for all walks of life. "a reckless use of the “traitor” accusation to smear one’s enemies" - no 2 ways around it, Trump is a traitor. He is a self-interested businessman "acting" as president (2 things: yes I know self-interested businessman acting as a president is redundant / at least they acted semi presidential and didn't flaunt it in our fucking faces they were fucking us). If you can't see the shit he's done and agree it warrants his removal from office, then I don't know what to tell you. belief that neoconservatives embody moral rectitude and foreign policy expertise has long been obvious and deeply disturbing - hahahahahaha
  10. I think this could've been a reason to at least get some of the articles drafted and formally impeaching trump. If that is the case, well played by the dems. (I'm not quick to believe they had the forethought to think of this plan)
  11. oh man saban is going to go balls deep on harbaugh
  12. lol that was great and what did Collins expect? Of course at least one of them was going to call them out for his BS. Law professors aren't really known to take no shit from my experience.
  13. He's already done that...maybe just retweet his old one?
  14. Are we calling them rapists in the thread title for their past transgressions or because of the way they're going to town on our team? Both? Also lol at Ojomo trying to cover Hasty...Wtf
  15. As I understood it, the only way to overrule any decisions from Roberts regarding relevance of witnesses, evidence, etc. is by vote of the Senate which in turn is not reviewable by the courts. IMO any attempt by Senate to overturn any rulings that Roberts makes SHOULD (not sure if those that are so up GOP's ass would care) be a cause for concern as the optics of that action would be seen as basically saying GOP senators have a better understanding of the law.
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