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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. Starting this season? He lost less than 4 last season. Why you no speak English OP?
  2. When you get a copy of the transcript can you post it here? I'm still waiting to read the actual transcript. kthnxbai
  3. Yea his intent was there and mistake of fact is not a defense.
  4. 100% this. Doesn't matter who is on the stand this slapdick is putting citizens in danger because he's a whack job.
  5. Fify Acting like democrats are the only political party to benefit monetarily from their office. I'm also pretty sure that was Trump's promise to the poors of the Midwest and yet Trump family and friends are the only ones that seem to be lining their pockets. Ron Desantis says hi.
  6. lulz https://twitter.com/jaketapper/status/1191755779675738112?s=20
  7. lol no shit. you'd expect them to at least make the entrance look a little clean. Mainly because of it being a federal building but also the court of that high stature should be at least presentable. I've seen corner stores in the hood that look nicer/cleaner.
  8. lol I don't care who gets taken down or who would've been taken down by Epstein. Left, right, middle, etc.. all of them pedos can die a painful death for all I care. Just a question(legit question): Was ABC the only news outlet that was going to push the story or were the other news outlets also pushing one that got shotdown? I'm just curious about the hate towards ABC for the hot mic (also hard to trust their statement after that whole Kentucky shit). Did the other outlets get their stories on the matter shutdown as well?
  9. This is the most likely outcome. Regional capo is going to be "removed" along with whoever they feel gave the green light. Haven't read anything that says these people were the intended target just a sad situation of wrong place at the wrong time. I'm waiting to see what AMLO's response, if any, to this is. Wish we could go back to the pre-Zetas days of the cartels keeping the fighting between themselves and not making a shitshow everywhere.
  10. I thought Bolton would only testify if he was subpoenaed? In any event, I feel like he'll end up testifying against Trump. The Lev Parnas news could be big in that he could be the link between Russia/Trump/Giuliani and have the docs to prove it.
  11. So what benefit did Obama get? He was an outgoing president. The FBI opened the investigation into Pappadopolus (don't care how its spelled) after a tip from the Australian government. you know what you're probably right. Obama told them to do it.
  12. lol looking for dirt? These fools were fraternizing with known Russian oligarchs and criminals in public view. Meetings, dinner parties, "campaign events", etc. The writing was on the wall that shady shit was afoot and the several indictments that came down and the ones pending are proof. if you're going to troll, at least put some effort...sheesh.
  13. 1. How did Obama benefit politically? 2. This article from May is a fairly good and quick summary of your "spying" claim. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/05/06/whats-evidence-spying-trumps-campaign-heres-your-guide/
  14. this is fantastic news. I wonder, since there is rumored to be more dates added, if there is a possibility of them headlining ACL. That would be fucking amazing. I think I'm still going to have to catch the show in El Paso just to be sure.
  15. That's not how it fucking works. I don't get what those complaining about the "open to the public" aspect of the initial hearings are trying to accomplish by yelling this at the clouds nonstop other than pander to their base. (I guess I answered my own question there) you're not even trying to be a clever troll with semi-valid talking points. troll on ignore.
  16. shaggy trolls were at least clever and didn't repeat the same talking points that multiple other posters have already proven wrong or are just plain dumb...I miss shaggy
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