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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by CowboyFred

  1. Biden: That the republicans in office are spineless hypocrites that don't want to believe that trump has done any of the crimes that have literally been laid out by various indictments and testimony is completely different from the point he's trying to make. The difference from then and now is that the republicans are either so far entangled and afraid of getting caught in any investigations linked with trump or that they are legitimately putting party over country. The Nixon process took at least 4 months before they took it up for a vote. We are nowhere that deep in and all the info that has come out is up there with what was released then with Nixon if not worse and more revealing of the crimes/treason committed. Franklin: I'll let you break down what is underlined in the statement you bolded and you will have your answer and reason for the impeachment proceedings.
  2. lol Fuck off gaetz and the rest of them. time to make a popcorn run
  3. soooo is he is using his "Sunday Service" performances as some sort of religious event akin to Joel Olsteen and therefore qualifying for a tax exemption? That or Trump's tax cuts REALLY helped him out and that is why he is so in love with Trump.
  4. We got 3 points yesterday, which is nice. James's assist on Rashford's goal was amazing. Perfect touch on that through ball. Also looking like Pogba is out until about December and not sure if that is good or bad yet. The young guns are stepping up. Also great to have Martial back. thats all I got.
  5. Shep punched Ossai? heh news to me.
  6. probably a better question to be asked on the football board...
  7. lol because of course "the fans don't understand the rigors of a cfb season" (didn't watch video) That is horseshit. Players gotta play and the coaches gotta coach. The fans are in charge of, among other things, bringing money in, filling the stadium, and calling out the team when it is obvious that they aren't giving a valiant effort. Coaches and players (with a few exceptions) are failing to prepare in the simplest of aspects to the game. If the players and coaches can't handle the shit being thrown at them (most of it justifiable), playing at a school like Texas might not be for them. Good or bad, the eyes will always be watching us either hoping we fuck it up or hoping we fuck everyone else up. Changes need to be made, period.
  8. lol chill bro nowhere did I say he was leaving early. trying to make a joke but I guess the sand in your vag is overflowing not allowing you to see it.
  9. At least now we know for sure he’s not leaving early? I got nothing else for today’s performance.
  10. this has been stated already, but how is Herman responsible for the 2 injuries? McCoy? He was already enrolled at USC before he committed/came to Texas so that one imo was just icing on the cake (not the one Charlie Strong left to be baked). Sheppard? Half of this board had to talk themselves back into the camp of "he could be a great talent here but needs to put in work" when Sheppard committed because before that everybody was over his shit and we had highly rated tackles already as part of the class. Recruiting may not be for you if something like this will have you freaking out. Stick to aggy, it is what you do best.
  11. Don't know if anybody responded to this but I will go on record saying that I truly believe there is a second un-edited copy of the phone call. Just judging by the acts of this administration, the way certain punctuation is used in the transcript (use of ellipsis) and the overall deviation from usual practices of transcript release. The administration claims the use of ellipsis is for any point in the conversation that it became inaudible, but anybody who has experience with any sort of transcript of a phone call, hearing, deposition knows that it is common practice to use "inaudible" because the use of an ellipsis is most commonly used when removing text because it is superfluous to include it or because it should not be released (like a sealed indictment). There are just too many deviations from standard practice and that coupled with the prior acts of this administration lead me to believe that the possibility of a "more complete" copy of the transcript existing. Just fishy all around. Also, to be clear, I am not talking about anything to do with executive privilege or whatever else you're arguing with others about. I am only responding to your request for someone else to go on record with this belief of another more complete transcript.
  12. I thought pastors were only into boys?
  13. soooooo....I loathe Trump and wish him nothing but the worst but this seems alarming...
  14. Lol scared of Devin Nunes? There are others on the republican side you could've name dropped, yet you chose the dumbest one. Hopefully his lawsuit against a twitter handle gives him enough time to prepare some coherent questions because he's shown to be slightly incompetent in past hearings. I honestly have no idea why they're not putting the impeachment to a vote but it could be along the lines of the republicans led by that slapdick McConnell killing it and not even consider a vote. Fucking GOP (the fucking looney ones) are a hinderance to our country. CLINTON GOT IMPEACHED FOR LYING ABOUT A FUCKING BLOWJOB!
  15. This. Shaggy before Trump wasn't this much of a shit show. Cloak Room did have its loonies on both sides but there could still be valid discussions with reasonable talking points. Posts were more substance and less personal attacks on each other.
  16. Can I get a holding call or na?
  17. Would you like me to write some Bernie Sanders erotic fanfic for you?
  18. oh man is fox and friends turning on him now? Sad to say this as this is our president/administration but this has the potential to be very entertaining
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